
SpaceX mission launches app

Primary LanguageTypeScriptOtherNOASSERTION


SpaceX mission launches app

🚀 About the project

This project uses SpaceX open API to show the latest missions and launch details

🔰 Features

  • ✅ Latest launches displayed chronologically
  • ✅ Launch card
    • Mission name
    • Launch date formatted
    • Mission cover image if available
  • ✅ Launch details screen
    • Mission name
    • Launch date formatted
    • Rocket name
    • Details if available
    • Article button link if available
  • ✅ Images carousel with 3 items at most if available
  • ✅ Individual toggle favorite image on tap it
  • ✅ Favorite heart animated
  • ✅ Favorite button animated
  • ✅ Animated empty feedback
  • ✅ Animated error feedback
  • ✅ Animated loading feedback
  • ✅ Image caching
  • ✅ Data caching
  • ✅ Cache persisting
  • ✅ Unit testing

💡 Roadmap

  • ☑️ Full compatibility with dark theme
  • ☑️ Infinite scroll
  • ☑️ Pull to refresh
  • ☑️ Icon
  • ☑️ Splashscreen
  • ☑️ e2e tests
  • ☑️ Sort by launch date asc or desc
  • ☑️ Continuous integration
  • ☑️ Automated build
  • ☑️ Automated store deployment
  • ☑️ Code push
  • ☑️ Continuous deployment
  • ☑️ Performance monitoring
  • ☑️ Crash monitoring

⚙️ Tech stack

👋 Getting Started

These instructions will get you a base project structure and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.

📋 Prerequisites

Setting up the development environment

You can follow the React Native CLI quickstart for your development OS target OS.

📦 Running

Installing Dependencies:

yarn install

Installing Pods (only for iOS):

cd ios && pod install

Running the app:

yarn start

For starting the app on a specific OS:

yarn ios
yarn android

👩🏾‍💻 Development

  • Eslint is used in the project to enforce code style and should be configured in your editor.

  • Prettier is also used and apply automatically by eslint

  • Typescript is used in the project for type-checking and should be configured in your editor.

You can check this manually by running:

yarn lint

You can ask eslint to fix issues by running:

yarn lint:fix

🛠 Testing

Use the following command to run unit tests:

yarn test

Use the following to update the snapshots of unit tests:

yarn test -u

Use the following to run unit tests in watch mode while developing:

yarn test --watch