
A prolog variant aimed at procedural generation

Primary LanguageRust


Butterfly-Prolog is a variant of prolog aimed at being a good language for procedural generation. I am trying to make a language that is both beautiful and chaotic.

Design Goals

  • Useful for various types of procedural generation (music, graphics, weaving, etc.)
  • Embeddable in other languages, apps (e.g. webassembly, call from c, call c)
    • This makes it easier to use for procedural generation since it can directly control midi, graphics, etc.
  • Intuitive, ergonomic (quick to type) syntax
  • Written in rust (can run as standalone binary or wasm)


  • General-purpose language
    • There are many better general-purpose languages out there
  • Be the fastest prolog implementation
    • Many smart people have spent many years making fast implementations of prolog
  • ISO prolog compliance
    • I want to create a simpler syntax

Syntax Examples


Implementation Plan

Phase 1: Implement prolog VM based on Tarau paper

See Paul Tarau's iProlog: https://github.com/ptarau/iProlog

Phase 2: Add (optional?) random search

Instead of prolog's top-to-bottom, depth-first search, unfold clauses randomly. This will let you code procedural generation with randomness built in!

This should probably be optional and able to be switched on and off globally or on a per-predicate basis.

Phase 3: Add arithmetic, functions, native predicates

Phase 4: Embed in a wasm app, make cffi

Phase 5: Add type checking

Phase 6: JIT, performance optimizations

Project Status

I just started this and I am very much in phase 1! Nothing is implemented yet!