
This chrome extension will remind you to rest by sending notifications. (CS50 Final Project)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Reminder 50

Video Description :


This is chrome extension project called "Reminder 50". This extension will help you to remind to rest especially to walk and eye rest. I chose this reminder project because of my unusual habit in using computer. I also want to help other people to notify to rest for our longterm health.

Most people (including me) are sitting in front of the computer all day, all night without resting, so I got this project idea to remind people to rest. We need to take care ourself. This chrome extension will help you to remind.

In the first version of this project, there are two parts (Walking, Eye Rest). You can easily start the alarm by toggling the related buttons.

You can also adjust your alarm time. After adjusting, click on "Save" button.

Screenshot from 2022-08-21 22-37-26

We will remind you like this after alarm minutes.

Screenshot from 2022-08-21 23-06-11

After finish resting time, you will also notify you with notification.

Screenshot from 2022-08-21 23-07-33

Technical Usages

In this project, I especially used JavaScript and chrome extension API. Mostly used "Alarm" API and "Notification" API. I stored the user data (alarm times) by using chrome "Storage" API.

File Structure
  • images
  • js
    • helpers
    • background.js
    • popup.js
  • styles
    • base.css
    • button.css
    • layout.css
  • manifest.json
  • popup.html