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A command-line application to get access to the company's database using Nodejs and connects the data from MySQL, which you can able to view company's details for departments, roles, employees and also add roles/dept/employee.
The app was able to connect to the database and update command terminal using an asynchronous function. Using MySQL queries to SELECT the data from tables, JOIN the fields coming from different tables and INSERT the data entered from the CLI.
As a business owner, I need an app where I will be able to view and manage the departments, roles, and employees in the company. So That I can organize and plan the business.
- npm packages (inquirer, mysql2, easy-table, dotenv)
- run Node.js in CLI
- MySQL to create new schema & tables
Entity Relationship Diagram for employee tracker app, using SQL relationship.
- Employee Tracker App : CLI
- Employee Tracker App : MySQL
If you have any feedback or suggestion feel free to send an email, codingowl898@gmail.com
All rights reserved. Under the MIT license.
License Badge, instructor Sam for some guided syntax code, ASCII-Text, Diagram