
Download WordPress theme/plugin translations and apply them to your site manually even their language pack haven't been released or reviewed on translate.wordpress.org

Primary LanguagePHP

Force Update Translations


Download WordPress theme/plugin translations and apply them to your site manually even if their language pack haven't been released or reviewed on translate.wordpress.org

Warning: Currently this plugin downloads only strings from Development project instead of Stable for plugins. Please wait for an update or see the issue on GitHub.

Warning: Currently this plugin is not able to generate the JSON files that is needed for JavaScript to consume some translations. Please wait for update or see the issue on GitHub.


Theme translation

Finally, updating theme translation files is now supported! To download the translation files for a theme:

  1. Activate the theme you want to get the translation files.
  2. Visit 'Appearance' > 'Update translation' in WordPress menu, or click 'Update translation' on theme details of current theme on 'Themes' page.

Plugin translation

To download the translation files for a plugin:

  1. Visit 'Plugins' in WordPress menu.
  2. Click 'Update translation' under the name of the plugin for which you want to get the translation files.


= 0.5 =

  • Child theme support. props @pedro-mendonca

= 0.4 =

  • Bug fix for fresh installed WP. props @Dartui

= 0.3.2 & 0.3.3 =

  • Update tested up to versions.

= 0.3.1 =

  • Update locales.php and add WP.org variants support. props @pedro-mendonca

= 0.3.0 =

  • Added theme translation support.

= 0.2.5 =

  • Tested up to WP 5.5.
  • Minor grammar correction. Props @ePascalC
  • Added plugin icon. Props @mekemoke

= 0.2.4 =

  • Tested up to WP 5.2.2 props @pedro-mendonca
  • Check if if user Locale isn't 'en_US' props @pedro-mendonca

= 0.2.3 =

  • Add Multisite support. props @pedro-mendonca

= 0.2.2 =

  • Check if plugin exists in WordPress.org plugin directory. props @pedro-mendonca

= 0.2.1 =

  • Make target locale switchable by user setting. Thanks for reporting @Dartui
  • Improve escaping. Thanks for reporting @miya0001

= 0.2 =

  • Export only Current/Waiting/Fuzzy translations. props @naokomc
  • Capitalize plugin name.