HDFS server client program

Primary LanguageJava

This is the work of Shaleen Garg and Vinaya Khandelwal

HDFS + MapReduce

System configuration

The project was tested using docker instances. See docker at https://www.docker.com/ . Some basic commands.

docker images docker run --rm -ti "image(ds/arch)" /bin/bash

(proxy version of run command. net=host tells docker instance to use the host network settings(ip,port) ) docker run --name yourdock -e http_proxy -e https_proxy --net=host --rm -ti "image(ds/arch)" /bin/bash

docker exec -i -t yourdock /bin/bash (Run two or more tabs of same docker instance)

docker inspect -f '{{.Name}} - {{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' $(docker ps -aq) (test )


The project contains three folders bin, src and util.

bin contains the compiled code

src contains the java files structured as follows :

ds/hdfs for the HDFS java files ds/mapreduce for the Mapreduce java files

Configuration files

jt_details.txt -- stores information of Jobtracker ip and port nn_details.txt -- stores information of Namenode ip and port TT_details.txt -- stores information of Tasktracker ID, NumberOfMapThreads and NumberOfReduceThreads dn_config.txt -- stores information of Datanode ID, ip and port jar file contains the map functions and the reduce functions. They are dynamically loaded. REGEX file contains the grep term.

Every Node needs the nn_details.txt file to contact Namenode. The rest of the files are required by respective nodes for binding to their own ips and ports.

util folder contains :

jtscript.sh -- Script to run Jobtracker. nnscript.sh -- Script to run NameNode.

NOTE : Both the scripts need to be moved and executed from the src folder.