
AccioJob F2 Module Jan 7th contest

Primary LanguageJavaScript


AccioJob F2 Module Jan 7th contest

Project Overview Given the following array:

[{id:1,name:"john",age:"18",profession:"developer"},{id:2, name:"jack",age:"20", profession:"developer"},{id:3, name:"karen", age:"19",profession:"admin"}] You have been given a GitHub repo already, simply clone it and edit the script.js only. You need to edit the functions given in script.js. (10 Marks)

You have been given an array and 5 functions inside the script.js - write the correct code inside these functions -

PrintDeveloperbyMap() - console.log all the employees who have the profession of a developer using the map function. (15 Marks)

PrintDeveloperbyForEach() - console.log all the employees who have the profession of a developer using the for each function. (15 Marks)

addData() - In this function, make another such employee object and append that to this array given below and then console.log it. (15 Marks)

{id:4,name:"susan",age:"20",profession:"intern"} removeAdmin() - In this function, remove the object where the profession is admin. console.log the changed array. (15 Marks)

concatenateArray() - Make another array with 3 objects just like the one in the above-given array. The objects should be different, with different ids, and all other parameters should be different too. Then concatenate these 2 arrays and console.log. (15 Marks)

Project must be deployed (15 Marks)

Template Repository to create your own repository: AYUSHBANSAL-hub/AccioJob-F2-Jan-6th-contest-template (github.com)