
Meta DBE Capstone Project

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Through following along with the video lectures and prescribed readings, you have gained a comprehensive overview of how to build the various components required for creating a booking system that can be utilized by Little Lemon.

As part of the final assessment criteria, you were provided with some sample booking data that you were asked to save to a database. To create a successful Booking implementation, you were asked to complete the following actions:

Create a database that holds the data.

Connect to the database using a Python client.

Create a procedure using Python to react to changes in the data.

Connect to the database using Tableau.

Generate data reports using Tableau.

You will now present your application for peer review. As part of engaging with the peer review process, you are asked to submit your application to the system to be evaluated. In addition, you are asked to review two applications from your peers.

Review criteria

Once your project has been submitted it is available for other learners to review.

Your project will be evaluated according to the following grading criteria:

Was the GitHub repo successfully created?

Is the appropriate project found in the GitHub repo?

Does it include an appropriate ER diagram showing the connections between the tables?

Was the GetMaxQuantity() procedure properly implemented?

Was the ManageBooking() procedure properly implemented?

Was the UpdateBooking() procedure properly implemented?

Was the AddBooking() procedure properly implemented?

Was the CancelBooking() procedure properly implemented?

In this project you are required to create a data model for Little Lemon and deploy it in MySQL database. This will include a set of tables to store relevant information. Once you have completed this task, feel free to populate your tables with some records of you own data for testing purposes.

In addition you also need to analyze data using the following Little Lemon data file:

Once you have created the appropriate models, database schema, and completed the data analysis in Tableau, you then need to commit the project to your GitHub and upload the link.

Your project is expected to include the following items:

Relevant diagrams and screenshots in PNG format.

The data model you produced in MySQL Workbench.

The SQL file of the Little Lemon database schema.

The workbook that includes all worksheets and dashboards.

How to Review Once you have submitted your own application, you are required to evaluate two projects submitted by your peers.

Examples of Good Feedback less The focus of your feedback should be on good design. Ask yourself did the project meet the specification of the brief?

Follow the expected steps and match the commands with the expected output. If you identify a fault or reason to dock marks, then please include some feedback on why you feel the project does not meet the brief along with a suggestion as to how the user might address the issue.