
frontend_4_module test_may

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project Overview Task Create a multi-page React app that fetches data from an API and displays it in different views, using React Router and Redux to manage state and routing.

Problem Statement You have to use React Router to create multiple routes and views for your app. Your app should have the following views: A home page that displays a list of items fetched from an API. A detail page that displays information about a single item. Your app should have two routes: / - The home page. /item/:id - The detail page for a specific item, where :id is the ID of the item.

Use Redux to manage the app's state. You should create at least one Redux store to hold the data you fetch from the API and use it to populate your views.

Fetch data from an API using Redux Thunk middleware. Use the fetch method to get the data from the following API endpoint: https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts. The data returned from the API will be an array of objects. Each object will have the following properties: userId: The ID of the user who created the post. id: The ID of the post. title: The title of the post. body: The body of the post. imgSrc: Since the image is not coming in the api result use this as your image src in the post component - https://picsum.photos/200?random=${post.id} where post.id is the id given in the object returned by api. You should create a Redux action to fetch the data and update the Redux store with the fetched data.

Display the data in your views using React components. You should create separate components for each view, and use React Router to navigate between them. The home page should display a list of items, with each item displaying the title of the post. Clicking on an item should take the user to the detail page for that item. Make sure that you don’t show the entire title and the entire description as it will not look nice. Slice it and show it. As shown in the UI. Add “Read More…” if the entire description doesn’t fit inside the card view. The detail page should display the title and body of the post, as well as the ID of the user who created the post.

Add styling to the website as shown in the figma

Make sure your app is responsive and works well on both desktop and mobile devices. Also manage the loading state properly using redux as well. Design Links Figma Link: https://www.figma.com/file/e9m80Jco48HTo2C0XkFbol/F4---Module-Test---June?type=design&node-id=0-1&mode=design&t=H2ZXmpudNmjXy1Sv-0

Marking Scheme Create React components and set up Redux (15 marks) Create separate components for the home page and detail page views Set up a Redux store to hold the fetched data Create Redux actions and reducers to fetch data from the API and update the Redux store

Fetch data from the API using Redux Thunk (15 marks) Implement a Redux Thunk middleware to make asynchronous API requests Create an action to fetch data from the API and update the Redux store Handle loading state while fetching data and display a loading spinner or placeholder

Set up React Router and define routes (10 marks) Set up a React Router in your app and define the necessary routes Create route components and render them based on the current URL

Display data in views using React components (15 marks) Display a list of items on the home page, with each item showing the post title Implement a click event to navigate to the detail page when an item is clicked Display the post title, body, and the ID of the user who created the post on the detail page

Style the website as shown in the Figma design (10 marks) Apply appropriate styling to match the provided design in Figma. Ensure responsiveness and compatibility with both desktop and mobile devices.

Slice long titles and descriptions (10 marks) Slice the post title and body to fit within the card view on the home page Add a "Read More..." link if the entire description doesn't fit within the card view

Manage loading state and error handling (20 marks) Properly manage the loading state while fetching data from the API Display a loading spinner or placeholder during the data loading process Handle errors that may occur during the API request and display an appropriate error message

Deployment (5 marks)