
This notebook provides a comprehensive example of how to perform customer segmentation using K-Means clustering, including data preprocessing, visualization, standardization, one-hot encoding, model training, evaluation, and saving/loading the model.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

This Jupyter notebook is focused on customer segmentation using the K-Means clustering algorithm.

  1. Data Gathering and Preprocessing:

    • Imports necessary libraries like pandas, matplotlib, seaborn, numpy, and scikit-learn.
    • Loads a customer dataset from a CSV file hosted on GitHub.
    • Performs data cleaning by:
      • Removing null values in the 'Profession' column.
      • Removing inconsistent age entries (below 18).
      • Handling inconsistent values in numerical columns (e.g., removing 0 values from 'Annual Income').
    • Identifies and removes outliers from numerical columns using the IQR method.
  2. Data Visualization:

    • Creates histograms to visualize the distribution of numerical features.
    • Generates a countplot to show the distribution of customers by gender.
    • Uses a pairplot to explore relationships between different features.
    • Creates a barplot to display the number of customers in different age groups.
  3. Data Standardization:

    • Standardizes the numerical features using StandardScaler to have a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. This is important for K-Means as it's sensitive to feature scaling.
  4. One-Hot Encoding:

    • Applies one-hot encoding to the categorical features ('Gender' and 'Profession') to convert them into numerical representations suitable for the K-Means algorithm.
    • Concatenates the standardized numerical features and the one-hot encoded categorical features into a single DataFrame (df4).
  5. Model Training and Evaluation:

    • Uses the Elbow method and the Silhouette score to determine the optimal number of clusters (k) for the K-Means algorithm. Both methods suggest k=2.
    • Trains a K-Means model with the optimal number of clusters.
    • (Visualization Code Commented Out): There's commented-out code that would have visualized the clusters, but it's not executed.
    • Saves the trained K-Means model to a pickle file (customer_clustering_model.pkl).
    • Loads the saved model from the pickle file and demonstrates how to use it to predict the cluster for new customer data.

Overall, the notebook provides a comprehensive example of how to perform customer segmentation using K-Means clustering, including data preprocessing, visualization, standardization, one-hot encoding, model training, evaluation, and saving/loading the model.