
1.The code defines a simple calculator GUI using the Tkinter library in Python.

2.The calculator GUI has a display area to show the input expression and results.

3.Numeric buttons (0-9) and arithmetic operation buttons (+, -, *, /) are defined.

4.Other buttons include '.', '=', and 'C' (for clearing the input).

5.When numeric or arithmetic buttons are pressed, their corresponding values are added to the expression on the display.

6.The '=' button triggers the evaluation of the expression and displays the result. If there's an error, "Error" is displayed.

7.The 'C' button clears the input expression.

8.The GUI layout is organized with a grid system, arranging the buttons accordingly.

9.The lambda functions are used to associate button presses with specific actions (e.g., pressing a number or operator).

10.The main loop (gui.mainloop()) keeps the GUI running until the user closes it.