This is a Doctor's Appointment application
Receptionist portal & Doctor portals In this application i have create A single login page for both portals. Receptionist can register a new patient & perform CRUD operations. Doctor can view registered patient & view graph that represents patient registered vs days.
In this project we used:
- Ruby
- Rails
- chartkick For chart show
This project was created by:
- Mayur Pathak Github Account
The live version of this project is on Receptionist portal & Doctor portals
If you want a copy of this project running on your machine you have to install:
- Ruby 3.0.0
- Rails 7.0.4
- devise For Auth implementation
For installation instructions follow The Instalation Guide
Once you have installed the requiered packages shown on the Required Installations, proceed with the following steps
Clone the Repository, the folder doctor_portal will be downloaded
your@pc:~$ git clone
Move to the downloaded folder
your@pc:~$ cd doctor_portal
install gems
your@pc:~$ bundle install
migrate the database
your@pc:~$ rails db:create
your@pc:~$ rails db:migrate
you'll be ready to run the app in a local server:
lastly run the server
your@pc:~$ rails server
Then, go to http://localhost:3000/
To view the live demo, click the Doctor Portals link. You will be taken to the login page. There, you will be able to register as a new user Doctor and Receptionist Both.
IF you are not register then you have to register first
Once you log in, you will be taken to the homepage. As this is a partial implementation, you have to see Patients list and also you have create new Appointment.
If Doctor login then doctor can see the view graph that represents patient registered vs days. If Receptionist Login then Receptionist only see Patients list and also you have create new Appointment