Awesome Newsletter Awesome Build Status

A curated list of awesome newsletters.

Inspired by the awesome-* trend on GitHub.

The goal is to build a categorized community-driven collection of very well-known resources.

Sharing, suggestions and contributions are always welcome! Please take a look at the contribution guidelines first.

Thanks to all contributors.


General Web Development

  • Weekend Reading. A weekly email about Web development, design and the startup life.
  • Web Development Reading List. This Newsletter shares the latest articles in web development.
  • Fullweb Weekly. A weekly newsletter for fullstack web developers. It sends you the top 5 link every week about web frontend and backend, devops and user experience.
  • Web Stack Weekly. A weekly collection of links for web development stack, picked up from popular internet resources.
  • Pony Foo Weekly. A weekly newsletter discussing interesting and trending topics around the web platform.
  • Versioning. Stay entertained and up to date about all things web dev and design with a daily email.


  • JavaScript Weekly. A free, once–weekly e-mail round-up of JavaScript news and articles. Archive.
  • The Smashing Email Newsletter. Email newsletter twice a month with useful tips, tricks and resources for designers and developers.
  • A Drip of JavaScript. One quick JavaScript tip, delivered to your inbox every other week.
  • Web Tools Weekly. Web Tools Weekly is a front-end development and web design newsletter with a focus on tools.
  • Web Operations Weekly. A weekly newsletter on Web operations, infrastructure, performance, and tooling, from the browser down to the metal.
  • News. 5 links every week curated by Dr. Axel Raushmayer and Johannes Weber.


  • ReactJS Newsletter. The free, weekly newsletter of the best React.js news and articles.
  • React Native Newsletter. Free occasional summary of React Native news, articles, issues & pull requests, libraries and apps.
  • Fullstack React. Newsletter about the React ecosystem with an emphasis on useful libraries, tutorials and code. Archive.
  • React Digest. A hand-picked weekly selection of the best React JS resources.



  • EmberJS Weekly. The latest Ember.js news, tips & code delivered directly to your inbox.

Data Visualization


  • CSS Weekly. Weekly e-mail roundup of css articles, tutorials, experiments and tools curated by Zoran Jambor.
  • CSS-Tricks signup is at the bottom of the page right under the Get the newsletter header!.
  • CSS Layout News. A weekly collection of tutorials, news and information on all things CSS Layout.


  • Web Design Weekly. Just pure awesome links to the best news and articles to hit the interweb during the week.
  • Product Design Weekly. Digital product design news, articles, showcases and resources, delivered straight to your inbox once a week.
  • Sidebar. Five design-centric posts each day.
  • Web Designer News. Curated stories for designers.
  • Responsive Design Weekly. A free, once–weekly round-up of responsive design articles, tools, tips, tutorials and inspirational links.
  • UX Weekly. A small newsletter of around five links per week that has consistently good reading.
  • Alertbox E-Mail Newsletter. The latest articles about interface usability, website design, and UX research from the Nielsen Norman Group.
  • Web Design Depot. It's packed with quick bits of news, inspirational resources as well as cool new products and services for designers.
  • UI Movement. Only the best UI design inspiration, right in your inbox.
  • Designer News. Where the design community meets.
  • Design Faves. Daily posts and exclusive articles marry the very best modern expressions and innovations from the Branding, Art and Graphic Design worlds.
  • Hack Design. An easy to follow design course for people who do amazing things.
  • Hacking UI. Weekly hand-picked resources for front-end developers and product managers.
  • UX Essentials. 5 best links of week about UX, UI and Product Design emailed to you every Sunday.
  • Timetrabbble. A daily dose of inspiration from Dribbble to your inbox.
  • eWebDesign. Latest web news and articles from industry experts.
  • The UI Animation Newsletter. The UI Animation Newsletter keeps you up to date on the best web animation, motion design, and UX resources.
  • Web Animation Weekly. A hand-picked selection of articles, videos, book reviews, and other goodies pertaining to the wonderful worlds of web animation and motion design!


  • HTML5 Weekly. A once–weekly HTML5 and Web Platform technology roundup. CSS 3, Canvas, WebSockets, WebGL, Native Client, and more.
  • Gamedev.js Weekly. Weekly newsletter about HTML5 Game Development.
  • Phaser World. Weekly newsletter as a summary of all the new content -game releases, tutorials, videos, etc- added to Phaser site over the last week.


  • SVG Weekly. A weekly email focused on Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), sharing tutorials, tools, experiments, talks and data.


Common Section


  • iOS Dev Weekly. The best iOS development links every week.
  • ObjC. Free monthly issues covering the most important aspects of advanced iOS and OS X development.



  • Swift Newsletter. Code examples, tutorials, screencasts and much more to learn Apple’s new programming language.
  • Natasha The Robot (Swift newsletter). A weekly list of the best Swift resources for you.
  • Swift Sandbox. A weekly newsletter for Swift developers with links to the best Swift code, projects and playgrounds.
  • Swift Weekly Brief. A community-driven weekly newsletter about Curated by Jesse Squires and published for free every Thursday.


  • Go Newsletter. A weekly newsletter about the Go programming language.
  • Golang Daily. Golang news, videos and technology posts compiled by community.
  • Awesome Go Newsletter. A weekly overview of the most popular Go news, articles and libraries.


  • Ruby Weekly. A free, once–weekly e-mail round-up of Ruby news and articles.
  • Ruby posts by Thoughtbot
  • Rails Weekly. Weekly inside scoop of interesting commits, pull requests and more from Rails, delivered to your inbox every Friday.
  • RubyIssue(s). A curated list of ruby related issues collected from GitHub. Bi-monthly email delivery. The ambition is to provide an entry point to the open source space for developers of all levels and from various backgrounds.
  • Volt Framework. Volt is a framework for building data rich web applications shockingly fast.
  • Green Ruby News. A feed of fresh links of the week about ruby, javascript, webdev, devops, collected by mose, xenor and tysliu every Sunday.


  • PHP Weekly. A free once-a-week newsletter, featuring some great articles, news and blog posts.
  • Laravel Weekly Newsletter. Laravel PHP framework.
  • Laravel News. Every week lots of tips, tutorials, and packages are released for Laravel.


  • Python Weekly. A free weekly newsletter featuring curated news, articles, new releases, jobs etc related to Python.
  • Weekly Python Newsletter. Weekly Python Newsletter containing Python Articles, Projects, Videos, Tweets delivered in your inbox.
  • Pycoders Weekly. A free weekly e-mail newsletter, on Fridays, for those interested in python development and various topics around python.
  • Awesome Python Newsletter. A weekly overview of the most popular Python news, articles and packages.


  • Groovy Weekly Newsletter. The latest releases, interesting articles, interviews, presentations, relevant tweets or Google+ posts, links to podcasts or screencasts, code snippets, books, upcoming events, and more.


  • Perl Weekly. A free, once a week e-mail round-up of hand-picked news and articles about Perl.


  • Elixir Radar. A weekly email with blog posts, latest libraries, talks, events and job opportunities.



  • Crystal Weekly. A weekly newsletter about Crystal programming language that aims to bring the best resources, blog posts, community events and anything Crystal to your inbox.


  • Elm Weekly. The wonderful world of the Elm programming language, in your inbox.



  • Vim Weekly. Every monday, we send 5 tips that can help boost your vim productivity you can think of it as one tip per day!


  • DB Weekly. A weekly round-up of database technology news and articles covering new developments, SQL, NoSQL, document databases, graph databases, and more.


  • Postgres Weekly. A free, once–weekly e-mail round-up of PostgreSQL news and articles.



  • Redis Weekly. A free, once–weekly e-mail round-up of Redis news, articles, tools and libraries.
  • Redis Watch. Periodic newsletter about everything and anything Redis.


  • NoSQL Weekly. A free weekly newsletter featuring curated news, articles, new releases, jobs etc related to NoSQL.

Backend Development


  • Docker Weekly. Weekly newsletter filled with great updates from Docker, our users and ecosystem.


  • DevOps Weekly. A weekly slice of devops news.
  • DevOps newsletter. The best DevOps links of the week delivered to your inbox every Sunday in the form of the DevOps newsletter.
  • Sysadmin Casts. Sysadmin Casts - bite-sized sysadmin screencasts (released weekly).
  • Server Admin for Programmers
  • KubeWeekly. Interesting weekly news about Kubernetes in the form of a newsletter.
  • Cron.Weekly. A weekly newsletter, delivered to you every Sunday, with news & tools tailored to Linux sysadmins.
  • MicroServices Weekly. Get a free weekly dose of Microservice architectures and container-based virtualization news and articles from around the community.

Cloud Development

  • Cloud Development Weekly. News, links and resources for developers working with cloud services, cloud APIs, and cloud-based tools.
  • Your weekly Azure news fix. Azure Weekly is a summary of the week's top news in the Microsoft Azure ecosystem, as well as interesting historic content that's well worth reading.

Configuration Management

  • Briefs On Ansible. "Briefs on Ansible" is an unofficial newsletter that sends you updates on the top news in the Ansible community.


  • Mobile Web Weekly. A weekly round-up of the releases, articles, and links that affect Web developers working on the mobile-facing Web.
  • Android Weekly Free newsletter that helps you to stay cutting-edge with your Android Development.

Big Data

Technology in General

  • Stay on top of today's most popular Tech news with a daily e-mail of crowd-curated articles from across the Web.
  • Four Short Links. 4 short links about (mostly research oriented) technology every weekday.
  • The Morning Paper. An interesting/influential/important paper from the world of CS every weekday morning, as selected by Adrian Colyer.


  • A free weekly newsletter featuring the best and hand curated links related to domains, development, monetization, how to guides, tips and tricks, resources, events and more. This Week in Domains
  • Inspiration in your inbox by TED.
  • Projects We Love archive by KickStarter.
  • Bitcoin Weekly. A weekly round-up of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency news and articles.
  • HackerNewsLetter. A weekly newsletter of the best articles on startups, technology, programming, and more. All links are curated by hand from the popular Hacker News site.
  • The ChangeLog Weekly. A weekly newsletter, covering everything that hits open source radar.
  • Founder Weekly. A free weekly newsletter for entrepreneurs featuring best curated content, must read articles, how to guides, tips and tricks, resources, events and more.
  • Reddit's Official Newsletter. Best of reddit's content curated, packaged, and delivered to your inbox once a week.
  • WebRTC Weekly. A weekly & brief newsletter with all the latest news and activities on WebRTC.
  • Web Audio Weekly. A weekly newsletter for people are interested in the Web Audio API, the Web MIDI API, or sound on the web in general.
  • Data Is Plural. A weekly newsletter of useful/curious datasets.
  • Founders Grid. A weekly newsletter for startup founders that rounds up the best resources from startup ecosystem.
  • Software Lead Weekly. A free weekly email, for busy people who care about people, culture and leadership.
  • Startup Digest. Curated reading materials from around the world, customized by your interests.
  • Hacking Revenue. One email a week with carefully curated insights to scale up your business.
  • The Changelog Nightly. An email, every night at 10pm CT, that unearths the hottest new repos on GitHub.
  • GitHub Reminder. Receive serendipitous (daily, weekly or monthly) email reminders about forgotten starred repos.
  • GitHub News. Discover top trending repos at GitHub, detected by a peak detection algorithm.
  • Code Cartoons. Learn code via cartoons via email.



To the extent possible under law, Dmitry Zudochkin has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.