A summary of learning resources in the categories:
- Windows Internals
- Windows Debugging and Troubleshooting
- Windows Performance
- Windows Programming
We distinguish between the learning resources:
- Books
- Courses (instructor led trainings)
- Online Courses (on-demand/self-paced)
- Online Resources
Windows Internals 7th Edition, Part 1
Windows Internals 7th Edition, Part 2
Windows Security Internals - by James Forshaw
OSR Seminars
Open Security Training 2
Windows 11 Internals - by Pavel Yosifovich
Troubleshooting with the Windows Sysinternals Tools
Advanced Windows Debugging
Inside Windows Debugging
Mastering WinDbg - by Pavel Yosifovich
WinDbg Fundamentals: User Mode - by Pavel Yosifovich
WinDbg Fundamentals: Kernel Mode - by Pavel Yosifovich
SysInternals Toolkit - by Sami Laiho
Sysinternals Tools Deep Dive - by Pavel Yosifovich
Insight Engineering
Defrag Tools
Windows Performance Analysis Field Guide
Fundamentals of Windows Performance Analysis
WPA / ETW Videos - by Bruce Dawson
Blog series about WPA / ETW - by Bruce Dawson
PerView Tutorial
Windows 10 System Programming, Part 1 - by Pavel Yosifovich
Windows 10 System Programming, Part 2 - by Pavel Yosifovich
Windows Kernel Programming, Second Edition - by Pavel Yosifovich
Windows Native API Programming - by Pavel Yosifovich
Writing WDF Drivers 1: Core Concepts
Developing Filter Manager Minifilters for Windows