Simulator or Non-Uniform Cache Architectures
====================================================== This readme author's:
- Alves, Marco A. Z. - PhD at Federal University of Paraná
- Nguyen, Hoang Anh Du - PhD student at TU Delft
- Cordeiro, Aline S. - Master student at Federal University of Paraná
- Moreira, Francis B. - PhD student at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
====================================================== Sections
1. SiNUCA Pin requirements
2. Compiling SiNUCA trace generator
3. Generating traces
4. Compiling SiNUCA
5. Running SiNUCA
6. README Changelog
SiNUCA Pin requirements
Older Pin versions: Intel Pinplay: Intel Pin:
To set-up the pin path, use the following commands: $ export PINPLAY_ROOT=/pinplay-folder $ export PIN_ROOT=/pin-folder $ export PIN_HOME=$PIN_ROOT $ export PATH=$PIN_ROOT:$PINPLAY_ROOT:$PATH
Copy folder sinuca_tracer to the folder pinplay-folder/extras/pinplay/examples
Copy a file pinplay-debugger-shell.H from: pinplay-folder/extras/pinplay/examples/ to: sinuca-folder/trace_generator/extras/pinplay/sinuca_tracer/
Newer Pin Versions: Intel Pinplay + Intel Pin 3.5:
Extract the contents from 'Intel Pinplay + Intel Pin 3.5' directly into the folder: sinuca-folder/trace_generator/
Copy the file pinplay-debugger-shell.H from: sinuca-folder/trace_generator/extras/pinplay/examples/ to: sinuca-folder/trace_generator/extras/pinplay/sinuca_tracer/
To set-up the pin path, use the following commands: $ export PIN_ROOT=/sinuca-folder/trace_generator/ $ export PINPLAY_HOME=/$PIN_ROOT/extras/pinplay/ $ export PINPLAY_INCLUDE_HOME=/$PINPLAY_HOME/include/ $ export PINPLAY_LIB_HOME=/$PINPLAY_HOME/lib/ $ export EXT_LIB_HOME=/$PINPLAY_HOME/lib-ext/ $ export PATH=$PIN_ROOT:$PINPLAY_HOME:$PINPLAY_INCLUDE_HOME:$PINPLAY_LIB_HOME:$EXT_LIB_HOME:$PATH
====================================================== 2. Compiling SiNUCA trace generator
- Older Versions:
SiNUCA tracer is provided in /sinuca-folder/trace_generator/,
and it can be compiled on Unix-like OSes using make:
$ make
After compiling, is created and moved to
- Newer Versions:
SiNUCA tracer file is provided in
and it can be compiled on Unix-like OSes using make:
$ make
After compiling, is created and moved to
====================================================== 3. Generating traces
- Older Versions:
SiNUCA is programmed under GNU C++, and it can be executed on Unix-like OSes using pin:
$ pin -t
/pinplay-folder/extras/pinplay/bin/intel64/ -- ./app
Three SiNUCA traces (stat, dyn, and mem) will be generated.
- Newer Versions:
SiNUCA is programmed under GNU C++, and it can be executed on Unix-like OSes using pin:
$ pin -t
-trace_mode <mode> -- ./app
"-trace_mode" is an optional flag present in the newest trace-generator, it defines which
architecture the traces will be based on (x86 or HMC).
The option <mode> can be (default is ix86):
- ix86 (intrinsics-x86 traces);
- iHMC (intrinsics-HMC traces);
Three SiNUCA traces (stat, dyn, and mem) will be generated.
====================================================== 4. Compiling SiNUCA
SiNUCA is programmed under GNU C++, and it can be compiled on Unix-like OSes using make:
$ make
====================================================== 5. Running SiNUCA
SiNUCA takes two inputs: configuration file (.cfg) and trace files (.out.gz)
$ ./sinuca --config file.cfg --trace basename
Typing ./sinuca may help you out figure out what
parameters are required to full execution a simulation.
Configuration file is the file contains all info of processor, memory, interconnection.
For example: sandy_16cores.cfg
Example configuration file is in the folder:
The basename is the name of the trace without thread number.
For example: 3 traces are named as
then the basename is:
====================================================== 6. README changelog
30/08/2017 - Created first README
28/07/2018 - Additional informations about Intel Pinplay and Intel Pin.
====================================================== Extra information
Please refer to the following documents for a general introduction of the tool:
Alves, Marco Antonio Zanata. "Increasing energy efficiency of processor caches via line usage predictors." (2014).
Alves, Marco Antonio Zanata, et al. "Sinuca: A validated micro-architecture simulator." High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC), 2015
Alves, Marco AZ, et al. "Large vector extensions inside the HMC." Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 2016. IEEE, 2016.