
Official Implementation of 'Inserting Anybody in Diffusion Models via Celeb Basis'

Inserting Anybody in Diffusion Models via Celeb Basis

ArXiv | Project Page

Ge Yuan1,2, Xiaodong Cun2, Yong Zhang2, Maomao Li2,*, Chenyang Qi3,2,
Xintao Wang2, Ying Shan2, Huicheng Zheng1,* (* Corresponding Authors)
1 Sun Yat-sen University     2 Tencent AI Lab     3 HKUST

TL;DR: Intergrating a unique individual into the pre-trained diffusion model with:

✅ just one facial photograph               ✅ only 1024 learnable parameters        ✅ in 3 minutes tunning     
✅ Textural-Inversion compatibility      ✅ Genearte and interact with other (new person) concepts


How It Work


First, we collect about 1,500 celebrity names as the initial collection. Then, we manually filter the initial one to m = 691 names, based on the synthesis quality of text-to-image diffusion model(stable-diffusion} with corresponding name prompt. Later, each filtered name is tokenized and encoded into a celeb embedding group. Finally, we conduct Principle Component Analysis to build a compact orthogonal basis.


We then personalize the model using input photo. During training~(left), we optimize the coefficients of the celeb basis with the help of a fixed face encoder. During inference~(right), we combine the learned personalized weights and shared celeb basis to generate images with the input identity.

More details can be found in our project page.


  • release code
  • release celeb basis names
  • release WebUI extension
  • release automatic name filter
  • finetuning with multiple persons
  • finetuning with LORA


  title={Inserting Anybody in Diffusion Models via Celeb Basis},
  author={Yuan, Ge and Cun, Xiaodong and Zhang, Yong and Li, Maomao and Qi, Chenyang and Wang, Xintao and Shan, Ying and Zheng, Huicheng},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.00926},