
mazdak.dev inital source code in nuxt.js

Primary LanguageVue

mazdak.dev Initial Source Code ⚡️

My Personal Website including blog , code snippets & ... It was first developed using nuxtjs SSG then I developed a wp-theme for the ease of use.

Tools Used to develop it 🎯

nuxt.js yarn vue.js CSS HTML vscode tailwind.css macos sass

Serving on Github pages ✅

you can either generate the static site manually or use github actions, either way the following commands must be executed.

  1. clone the source code
user@linux:~$ git clone https://github.com/mazdakdev/mazdak.dev-source 
user@linux:~$ cd mazdak.dev-source
  1. go to the root of project folder (in this case mazdakdev)

  2. open up terminal and enter the commands below

user@linux:~$ npx nuxi generate
user@linux:~$ cd .output/public
  1. now create a github repository and activate the github pages and push the items.