
Smooth wheel zoom plugin for leaflet

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Smooth wheel zoom plugin for leaflet

This solution is based on the repo with some improvements


fork the repository

npm i gitAccount/Leaflet.SmoothWheelZoom.git#x.x.x

import 'leaflet.smoothwheelzoom';


var map = L.map('map', {
  scrollWheelZoom: false, // disable original zoom function
  smoothWheelZoom: true,  // enable smooth zoom 
  smoothSensitivity: 1.5,   // zoom speed. default is 1

With Vue2Leaflet

import 'leaflet.smoothwheelzoom';


        scrollWheelZoom: false,
        smoothWheelZoom: true,
        smoothSensitivity: 1.5,