Technical Test Assignment for QA Engineer - Product Integrity Position: UI Scenario

Task Description

Your task is to develop test cases and automated tests for a web-based “Event Registration Form” used in a conference management application. This form includes several fields and functionalities, each with specific behaviors and requirements:

  • Functionality to Test:
    1. Form Fields:
    • Name (text input)
    • Email (text input)
    • Registration Type (dropdown with options “Attendee”, “Speaker”, “Sponsor”)
    • Number of Tickets (numeric stepper input; visible only when “Attendee” is selected)
    • Presentation Topic (text input; mandatory and visible only when “Speaker” is selected)
    • Agree to Terms and Conditions (checkbox)
    • Submit Button
    1. Expected Behaviors:
    • All fields are required unless specified.
    • The form dynamically adjusts to show/hide fields based on the Registration Type selected.
    • The form validates input formats (e.g., Email format).
    • Upon submission, if any validation fails, appropriate error messages should be displayed.
    • A successful submission displays a confirmation message with the details entered.
  • Your Goals:
    1. Identify Test Scenarios: Outline a comprehensive set of test scenarios, including user interactions, form validations, dynamic behavior based on inputs, and both successful and error states.
    2. Write Detailed Test Cases: Develop detailed test cases for each scenario identified, specifying:
    • Test Case ID
    • Description
    • Pre-conditions
    • Steps to Execute
    • Expected Result
    • Post-conditions
    1. Implement Automated Tests: Utilize a JavaScript-based testing framework suitable for UI testing (e.g., Cypress, Selenium WebDriver with JavaScript bindings) to write automated tests covering the scenarios and test cases you have outlined.


  1. Test Case Document:
  • Document containing the test scenarios and detailed test cases, clearly describing the purpose and expected outcome of each.
  1. Automated Test Code:
  • Source code for your automated tests, including a README with setup and execution instructions. Ensure your tests are well-commented to explain their purpose and logic.
  1. Documentation of Expected Failures:
  • Any observations or notes about test cases that are expected to fail and why, highlighting understanding of potential UI issues or areas for improvement.
  1. Submission Instructions:
  • Combine your test case document and source code files (including the README) into a single ZIP file.
  • Submit your ZIP file via the email.

Evaluation Criteria

  • Comprehensiveness of Test Scenarios: Coverage of various functional and non-functional aspects of the form, including edge cases.
  • Detail and Clarity of Test Cases: The thoroughness and clarity in the documentation of test cases, highlighting your attention to detail and understanding of potential user interactions.
  • Quality and Effectiveness of Automated Tests: Your automated tests’ ability to accurately and efficiently validate the UI’s behavior, code quality, and adherence to testing best practices.
  • Documentation and Organization: The organization of your submission and the clarity of your documentation in both the test cases and code comments/README.

Additional Notes

  • This assignment does not require you to implement the Event Registration Form itself; your focus should be on testing scenarios and automation.
  • Feel free to ask any clarifying questions by reaching out to our recruitment team. We’re excited to see your approach to ensuring a flawless user experience through meticulous testing. Good luck with your assignment!

Instructions for Candidates

  • Objective: Write automated tests for the Event Registration Form provided in the index.html file. Focus on creating tests that interact with the form fields, simulate user inputs, and verify the dynamic behavior and validations of the form.
  • Test Scenarios to Consider:
    • Form field visibility and requirements change based on the Registration Type selected.
    • Validation messages appear for missing required inputs upon form submission.
    • Successful form submission with all required fields filled correctly.
    • Incorrect email format validation.
    • Conditional fields (Number of Tickets, Presentation Topic) are properly validated when visible.