
Example of the EtcpasswdOAuthBundle

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Example usage of the EtcPasswdOauthBundle


cd /var/www
git clone http://github.com/mazen/EtcpasswdOauthExample
cd EtcpasswdOAuthExample
git submodule update --init
app/console assets:install web

create a file app/config/parameters.ini and add the following elements after creating api keys with those providers.

    locale = en
    secret = Foo

    github.client_id = "xxx"
    github.secret    = "xxx"

    google.client_id = "xxx"
    google.secret    = "xxx"

    facebook.client_id = "xxx"
    facebook.secret    = "xxx"

Open your browser and log in ;)