Interested in working for Famly?

Give us a chance to see your beautiful code! 🤩

How to get started

  • Fork this repository
  • Create a small application in React (or another agreed upon framework)
  • Describe your design decisions and setup instructions in the of the forked repository

The assignment

You are tasked to build a simple application for a nursery to manage the attendance of children each day.

The application should be able to do 3 things:

  1. List children with some form of pagination/lazy-loading/infinite-scroll
  2. Checkin a child
  3. Checkout a child

Don't worry about design or anything like that.

If you have any questions feel free to reach out to the person who sent you the assignment ☺️

API Specification

You have received an access token in the email that contained the link to this page.

Fetch some children from

The API does not support any limit or offset, so the pagination/lazy-loading/infinite-scroll will have to be done client-side only.

Arguments: {
	accessToken: <accessToken>,
	groupId: '86413ecf-01a1-44da-ba73-1aeda212a196',
	institutionId: 'dc4bd858-9e9c-4df7-9386-0d91e42280eb'

Example in cURL:

curl "<accessToken>&groupId=86413ecf-01a1-44da-ba73-1aeda212a196&institutionId=dc4bd858-9e9c-4df7-9386-0d91e42280eb"

Checkin child


Arguments: {
	accessToken: <accessToken>
	pickupTime: 16:00

Example in cURL:

curl \
  -d 'accessToken=<accessToken>&pickupTime=16:00' \

Checkout child

Arguments: {
	accessToken: <accessToken>

Example in cURL:

curl \
  -d 'accessToken=<accessToken>' \