
SLP tokens miner and mining tutorial

Primary LanguageC++

MAZE SLP Token - Mminer 1.0.3

Get Mminer from Github

Update and tutorial by B_S_Z - https://mazetoken.github.io

MAZE token id: bb553ac2ac7af0fcd4f24f9dfacc7f925bfb1446c6e18c7966db95a8d50fb378

You can mine SLP tokens (e.g. MAZE and Mist) with Mminer and create mineable SLP tokens based on Mistcoin covenant contract script

Mminer is continuation and updated version of Mistcoin BCHD mist-miner. Mistcoin website (https://mistcoin.org) is down for now, so you can check Mistcoin Archive. Check other miners in Mistcoin archive

Known public BCHD servers you can use for mining:


* Make a backup of .cache file from time to time (to prevent downloading a lot of txids if you reinstall the miner or run it on another pc/laptop/phone)

Mining tutorial (Debian, Ubuntu or Kali Linux subsystem on Windows 10, Windows 10 or Debian Linux subsystem on Android phone)

You need to have some basic knowledge how to use Windows or Linux and a command line. This tutorial may not be for perfect, so use your intuition

Prepare Electron Cash SLP desktop wallet for mining

  • Download Electron Cash SLP wallet

  • Create a standard wallet in Electron Cash. Go to Addresses tab and choose two addresses (one for funding and the second for mining; you can give them a label)

  • Send some BCH (e.g. 0.00020000) to your funding address

  • From your funding address send, to your mining address, multiple 0.00001870 BCH in one transanction (go to Send tab - Pay to field). It should look like this:


*Replace simpleledger:qzfl7rg2vc973hk8cp4e6jvcw2ku7fuvxgar8lansn with your own mining address. You can send more UTXOs later.

  • Right click on your mining address and get your private key (WIF). Save it somewhere (you will need to paste it in the miner .env file)

*Do not send other BCH to your mining address, otherwise you could pay high fee or you will not mine anything. Freeze your mining coins (select all 0.00001870 UTXOs and rigt click on it to freeze) before you send any tokens from your wallet to another wallet

Install Nodejs and other sofware

  • Make sure that Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable is installed on your system. If it is not, you can download it from here and here - you need to install both

  • Download and install Nodejs 14.x LTS with additional software

You should see that eg. visualstudio2017 build tools, python 3, chocolatey ... are being installed

  • Download and install Git

Mining on Windows 10

First method:
  • Open Windows Control panel - go to "Programs" - go to "Turn Windows features on or off" - select "Windows Subsystem for Linux" and check the box, click ok and reboot Windows

  • Download and install Ubuntu 20.4 LTS from Microsoft Store

  • Open Linux command line (Start menu - Ubuntu)

  • Setup your username and password

  • In a command line type commands:

cd /mnt/c

sudo apt update

sudo apt upgrade

sudo apt-get install wget curl

curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_16.x | sudo -E bash -

sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

sudo apt-get install git cmake gcc g++ make

git clone https://github.com/mazetoken/mminer.git

cd mminer

cd fastmine

cmake . && make

cd ..

npm i

_* Ignore errors/warnings. Do not run npm audit fix!

Open windows explorer (no need to close a command line) and go to mminer folder on your drive C. Click on mminer folder and you will see the miner files. Open .env file in notepad (or any other editor). Paste your WIF (your mining address private key) here "..." (WIF="..."). Leave BCHD_GRPC_URL="" and BCHD_GRPC_CERT="" empty / no url (or paste known url in BCHD_GRPC_URL="..."). You can type your mining tag (your nick or whatever) in MINER_UTF8="...". Save the file

Go back to the command line and type commands (usually you need to do this only once to download txids):

export NODE_OPTIONS=--max_old_space_size=4096 (for 4GB RAM)

or export NODE_OPTIONS=--max_old_space_size=8192 (for 8GB RAM)

* or you can use my .cache file - type/paste this command: wget https://github.com/mazetoken/mminer/raw/main/txid-cache/maze/.cache or this for Mist: wget https://github.com/mazetoken/mminer/raw/main/txid-cache/mist/.cache - make sure that if you downolad it there is dot (.) in the filename - .cache. You can calculate max old space for your RAM amount - 1024 x your RAM

npm start

* Txids will be downloaded first (it may take a while) and then mining will start

* Press Ctrl C if you want to stop the miner. Type npm start to start again

* Run command: sudo apt update from time to time to update Linux

Second method:
  • Open Windows PowerShell (press Windows key and X) and type commands (press enter after every command):

cd ..

cd ..

git clone https://github.com/mazetoken/mminer.git

cd mminer

npm i

_*Ignore errors/warnings (if any eg. keccak and secp256k1). Do not run npm audit fix !

Open windows explorer (no need to close PowerShell) and go to mminer folder on your drive C. Click on mminer folder and you will see the miner files. Open .env file in notepad (or any other editor). Paste your WIF (your mining address private key) here "..." (WIF="..."). Leave BCHD_GRPC_URL="" and BCHD_GRPC_CERT="" empty /no url (or paste known url in BCHD_GRPC_URL="..."). You can type your mining tag (your nick or whatever) in MINER_UTF8="...". Save the file

Go back to PowerShell and type commands (usually you need to do this only once to download txids):

$env:NODE_OPTIONS="--max-old-space-size=4096" (for 4GB RAM)

or $env:NODE_OPTIONS="--max-old-space-size=8192" (for 8GB RAM)

* or you can use my .cache file - type/paste this command: wget https://github.com/mazetoken/mminer/raw/main/txid-cache/maze/.cache or this for Mist: wget https://github.com/mazetoken/mminer/raw/main/txid-cache/mist/.cache - make sure that if you downolad it there is dot (.) in the filename - .cache. You can calculate max old space for your RAM amount - 1024 x your RAM

npm start

* Txids will be downloaded first (it may take a while) and then mining will start

* Press Ctrl C and type Y if you want to stop the the miner

Mining on Android phone with Debian Linux

Go to Google Play Store and download UserLAnd app
  • Install the app

  • Open the app and install Debian Linux (not Ubuntu - fastmine does not work well with Ubuntu on Android)

  • Run commands:

sudo apt update

sudo apt upgrade

sudo apt-get install git wget curl

curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_16.x | sudo -E bash -

sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

sudo apt-get install cmake gcc g++ make

sudo apt-get install nano zip unzip

git clone https://github.com/mazetoken/mminer.git

cd mminer

cd fastmine

cmake . && make

cd ..

sudo nano .env

* Type/paste your WIF (your mining address private key) here "..." (WIF="...")

* Leave BCHD_GRPC_URL="" and BCHD_GRPC_CERT="" empty/no url (or paste known BCHD url in BCHD_GRPC_URL="...")

* You can type your mining tag (your nick or whatever) in MINER_UTF8="..."

* Tap: ctrl O enter - to save changes and ctrl X enter - to exit editor

npm i

_* Ignore errors/warnings. Do not run npm audit fix !

export NODE_OPTIONS=--max_old_space_size=2048 (for 2GB RAM)

or export NODE_OPTIONS=--max_old_space_size=4096 (for 4GB RAM)

* usually you need to do this ^ only once to download txids (but it might not work on Android). You can calculate max old space for your RAM amount - 1024 x your RAM

npm start

* Txids will be downloaded first (it may take a while) and then mining will start. If you get Javasrcipt heap out of memory error or txids downloading is "killed", you may need to install the miner on desktop first and download .cache file to your phone miner directory (you can use wget command). Or you can use my .cache file - before npm start type/paste this command: wget https://github.com/mazetoken/mminer/raw/main/txid-cache/maze/.cache or this for Mist: wget https://github.com/mazetoken/mminer/raw/main/txid-cache/mist/.cache

* Tap Ctrl C (to stop the miner)

Start the miner again (if you closed UserLAnd app) - open the app, type your password and type commands:

cd mminer

npm start

* Run command: sudo apt update from time to time to update Linux

How to create a mineable token based on Mistcoin (Mist) covenant contract

Open Electron Cash SLP wallet, go to Tokens tab and right click to create a token. Your mineable token can have max 6 decimal places (you will need to remember decimal places to calculate mining reward amount). In Token Quantity filed type 0. Uncheck Fixed supply

Wait for confirmation. Right click on your token - view token details - viewTX. Copy the token id and start block (it is under token id - "Mined in block: ...")

Download and unzip this Mist miner - we need slpdb miner to mine first "block"

Go to slp-mist-master folder and open .env file (e.g. in notepad):

WIF="" // you will paste your WIF here later
MINER_COVENANT_V1="5779820128947f777601207f75597982012c947f757601687f777678827758947f7576538b7f77765c7982777f011179011179ad011179828c7f756079a8011279bb011479815e7981788c88765b79968b0114795e795279965480880400000000011579bc7e0112790117797eaa765f797f757681008854011a797e56797e170000000000000000396a04534c50000101044d494e54200113797e030102087e54797e0c22020000000000001976a914011879a97e0288ac7e0b220200000000000017a9145379a97e01877e527952797e787eaa607988587901127993b175516b6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6c" //do not change this (this is the covenant contract template)
TOKEN_INIT_REWARD_V1=400000000 // Mist reward is 400 (with 6 decimals); you can change mining reward e.g. 10000000 - this is 1000 with 4 decimal places
TOKEN_HALVING_INTERVAL_V1=4320 // you can change halving interval
MINER_DIFFICULTY_V1=3 // do not change this
MINER_UTF8="" // you can add your mining tag
TOKEN_START_BLOCK_V1=paste here your token start block
TOKEN_ID_V1="paste here your token id"

Check Mining tutorial above if you have Nodejs and other software installed. Open a command line (PowerShell or Linux terminal) and navigate to slp-mist-master directory

Run commands:

npm i
npm run tsc
node ./src/init

You will get someting like this:

Send baton here to create mining vault -> simpleledger:pzhtrhzfzut7ycsf7eh7j0y250sxfnjxr5v6aecgqv

Go back to Electron Cash SLP wallet and right click on the token you created. Click on Mint tool. In Additional Token Quantity field type 0. Paste the mining vault slp address (that you generated with node ./src/init command) to Token Receiver Address and Mint Baton Address fields and click Create Additional Tokens. Your token minting baton will be sent to the contract address. Wait for confirmation

Choose a slp address where you get you mineable token. Right click on the address - Private key, copy it (it begins with L or K) - this is your WIF. Paste it to .env file in slp-mist-master. Send to this slp address multiple 0.00001870 BCH, as it is described in mining tutorial above

Go back to the command line and run:

npm start

Mining will start. After a while you should get your first "block" reward. When you get the first reward (mining height is 2) you can mine your token with BCHD miner (Mminer)

SLP NFT mining (mineable Non-Fungible Tokens)

You do not need to mine NFT1-Group Tokens constantly. Mine a few blocks and create some NFT child tokens

Always send NFTs to SLP NFT compatible wallets (e.g. Electron Cash wallet SLP edition, Signup wallet, Zapit wallet or Memo.cash browser wallet)

To create NFT child tokens from mineable NFT1-Group tokens go to your Electron Cash SLP wallet, go to Tokens tab, rigt click on NFT token - create new NFT (you might need to split it first), choose a name and a symbol for your NFT child token (NFT Group token will be burned as each child token is created - minted). Before you start freeze your mining coins (all 0.00001870 UTXOs)

If you need any help, ask in MAZE Telegram Group

Maze and other mineable tokens environment (inculding Non-Fungible Tokens)

* Total supply will not be higher than 21 million

* NFT1-Group Token mining will probably stop at third halving (reward reduction) because of 0 decimal places

* Change data in Mminer .env file to mine different tokens

* Do not paste MINER_COVENANT_V1 from SLP Token Type 1 to NFT1-Group Token environment (.env)

* Do not forget that, for NFT1-Group Token mining, after you run npm i and before you run npm start, you should go to node_modules folder in Mminer directory, go to slpjs folder, go to lib folder and open slpjs.js (in editor, e.g. notepad) and change token type from 0x01 to 0x81 in line 423 (it should look like this: if (type === void 0) { type = 0x81; })

* Make a backup of .cache file from time to time (to prevent downloading a lot of txids if you reinstall the miner or run it on another pc/laptop/phone)

Maze (MAZE is the second mineable SLP Token Type 1):

Maze reward schedule:

Token Height | Maze Reward

1-4319 | 800
4320-8639 | 400
8640-12959 | 266,666666
12960-17279 | 200
17280-21599 | 160
21600-25919 | 133,333333
25920-30239 | 114,285714
30240-34559 | 100
34560< | ...`
Mist (Mistcoin) - the first mineable SLP Token Type 1:
dSLP (decentralized SLP) - an universal SLP Token Type 1:

*To enable fastmine for dSLP go to Mminer src folder, open generateV1.ts in any editor, uncomment (remove //) from the line 499 and add comment (//) to the line 497. It should look like this: if (solhash[0] !== 0x00 || solhash[1] !== 0x00) {

dSLP reward schedule:

Token Height | dSLP Reward

1-6479 | 200 dSLP
6480-12959 | 100
12960-19439 | 66,6666
19440-25919 | 50
25920-32399 | 40
32400-38879 | 33,3232
38880-45359 | 25,5555
45360-51839 | 25
51840< | ...`
BHACK - Blind Hackers Group
Labyrinth - NFT1-Group Token
Maze-NFT - NFT1-Group Token (Labyrinth and MAZE NFT are the first mineable SLP NFT1-Group Tokens):
ZOMBIE NFT1-Group Token (https://zombies.onuniverse.com):
MISTY (Mistcoin) - NFT1-Group Token (a Tribute to Kasumi - Mist creator):
ARENA NFT1-Group Token:

Other known mineable SLP Tokens Type 1: OPAL, BTCL, FILS, WRS, FANTASY - ask token creators for mining environment or check details below

FILS (https://digitalfils.com):


FANTASY (https://fantasytoken.cash):
