
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/liquid-galaxy.lg-jetty

Primary LanguageJava


This java application has been tested on a Jetty v8 server on the head node of a Liquid Galaxy install.

It sends KML networklink updates to the Google Earth (48 slave instances (screen only,no input) + 4 masters(touchscreens)).
The HTML interface available on the touchscreens (running chrome/chromium) uses the servlets from this application to interact with Google Earth.

check out / clone this.
Compile and deploy as root application on a Jetty v8 server.

Eclipse (Indigo) can be used with eGit and Jetty v8 for easy deployment and testing.

Servlets (read the javadoc / source code for the parameters) :
/search : called by HTML interface to search in the landmarks database, returns CSV with the result in a JS variable + call to the callback function. 
JS code needs to be interpreted by the HTML interface.
The initialization of this servlet loads a Lucene in memory index with the Landmarks description from a CSV file (distant or local copy).

/flyTo & /flyToPlacemark : called by HTML interface to send Google Earth to some coordinates / placemark

/reset : called by HTML interface to send Google Earth to the default coordinates

/pixel : tracking transparent pixel, called from the balloons opened (on the touchscreens), sending the ID of the balloon. 
This functions as a heart beat, if the beat is missed for a long time, the balloon is assumed as closed.

/closeBalloon : called by HTML interface to close a balloon

/admin : admin interface used to restart some services from the HTML interface on the touchscrens.
It is protected by a simple screenlock if called trough admin.html .

/getKmlSync : this sends the kml networklink update to all the Google Earth instances. (it is called every second)
It also monitors the calls from Google Earth, as a heart beat with 90s grace period.
After the grace period some services get restarted (maximum number of retries is 6).