MovieDb Browser

Welcome here! My name is Adam. I work for Exlabs as a Full Stack Ruby/JS Developer. Here is my solution to Client Engineer coding challenge #1 for Perform.

I want to be honest and need to say that it took me far more than 4 hours. The app itself about 5h and another 4h for specs (where most of the time I spent learning). In recent months I was more focused on backend, so had to refresh my memory and learn some new stuff. It is first time when I write JS tests. I have some good expirience with writing specs in Ruby and I hope I was able to show it here. Not many of them though. 100% coverage would take me whole day, so I stick with some unit tests and basic integration one.

I decided not to use suggested library, cos it was not matching my concept, as it require callbacks functions instead of returning results.

I decided to start without any starter-kit because the kits that I have tried are quite heavy, so everything has been setup from the scratch.

I hope you will have fun and feel comfortable reading my code.

P.S. I'm really sorry for poor styling, but I skipped that almost totally, just to focus on js side.

Run the app

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Install dependencies
npm install
  1. Run the app
npm start
  1. Visit http://localhost:8080/

Run the specs

Unit specs

  1. Install mocha
npm install -g mocha
  1. Run the specs
npm test

Integration spec

  1. Run the app:
npm start
  1. Visit http://localhost:8080/testRunner.html