
Ruby Gem for transferuj.pl API

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


This is a Ruby Gem for transferuj.pl API. It allows you to create a pay URL simply and validate webhook (payment notification). It's super easy to use and saves you some code.


gem install transferuj

or add it to your Gemfile:

gem 'transferuj'



First you have to configure gem using your details form transferuj.pl panel. You need your Receiver ID and Secret Code. If you're using Rails you can create initializer file config/initializers/transferuj.rb':

Rails.application.config.before_initialize do
	Transferuj.id = 14090
	Transferuj.security_code = 'EAoycw18x2tVo4OU'

or just set id and security_code before first usage.

Sample code (Rails)

The basic usage of transferuj API is redirecting to payment page with some arguments and receiving webhooks (payment notifications). First read the documentation which you can find here.

Creating pay URL

If you want to create url to redirect user to payment page just call pay_url with parameters. Here you can find list of params. Skip id attribute.

def pay
	url = Transferuj.pay_url(
			:kwota => 1,
			:opis => 'Opis transakcji',
			:crc => '124',
			:online => 1,
			:wyn_url => url_for( controller: 'transactions', action: 'webhook', host: 'http://myapp.com'),
			:pow_url => url_for( controller: 'site', action: 'index', host: 'http://myapp.com'),
			:pow_url_blad => url_for( controller: 'site', action: 'index', host: 'http://myapp.com'),
	redirect_to url

Validate webhook

To validate webhook just call webhook_valid?. First argument is params hash from POST request, second is IP address of host sending request.

def webhook
	if Transferuj.webhook_valid?(params, request.ip)
		#process transaction
		respond_to do |format|
			format.html { render :text => "TRUE" }
		render :status => 404


  • Enable Test Mode in your transferuj.pl panel.
  • You can send test webhooks form your transferuj.pl panel


Copyright (c) 2014 Adam Mazur, released under the MIT license

Feel free to contact me if you need help: mazik.wyry [--a-t--] gmail.com