
Normalize URLs to the format you need

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Normalize URLs to the format you need.


Add Norma to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    # get always the latest ñ___ñ
    {:norma, ">= 0.0.0"}

Note on compatibility

Norma depends heavily on the implementation of the URI module (part of the standard library), which was recently changed when adding support for Erlang 20. Use the module history as a guide if you encounter any weird error (specially if you suspect it's related to a regex).


iex> Norma.normalize("mazing.studio")
> "http://mazing.studio"

iex> Norma.normalize_if_valid("mazing.studio")
> {:ok, "http://mazing.studio"}

iex> Norma.normalize_if_valid("mazing")
> {:error, "Not an URL."}

iex> options = %{remove_fragment: true, force_root_path: true, remove_www: true}
iex> Norma.normalize("//www.mazing.studio:1337/test#test", options)
> "http://mazing.studio/"


  • Remove scheme:

    iex> Norma.normalize("https://mazing.studio", %{remove_scheme: true})
    > "mazing.studio"
  • Remove fragment:

    iex> Norma.normalize("https://mazing.studio#test", %{remove_fragment: true})
    > "https://mazing.studio"
  • Add trailing slash:

    iex> Norma.normalize("https://mazing.studio/test", %{add_trailing_slash: true})
    > "https://mazing.studio/test/"
  • Force root path:

    iex> Norma.normalize("https://mazing.studio/test", %{force_root_path: true})
    > "https://mazing.studio/"
  • Remove www:

    iex> Norma.normalize("https://www.mazing.studio", %{remove_www: true})
    > "https://mazing.studio"
  • Downcase host:

    iex> Norma.normalize("https://EXAMPLE.COM/FAQS", %{downcase_host: true})
    > "https://example.com/FAQS"

With Ecto

def creation_changeset(params) do
  norma_options = %{
    remove_www: true,
    force_root_path: true,
    remove_fragment: true
  |> cast(params, @fields)
  |> put_change(:url, Norma.normalize(params.url, norma_options))


Adding options

  1. Add support for the option in /lib/norma/normalizer.ex. Prefer pattern matching and guards over ifs and cases.
  2. Add a test in /test/norma_test.exs.
  3. Add documentation to the README.
  4. Send a PR 🎉


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