
[C] 对 YUV 格式的图片进行裁剪

Primary LanguageC


实现 YUV 格式图像的裁剪。


命令格式:./app <format> <ifn> <ofn> <iw> <ih> <ox> <oy> <ow> <oh>

format: 输入图像的格式
ifn: input file name 原始图像文件名
ofn: output file name 输出图像文件名
iw, ih: input width, input height 原始图像宽高
ox, oy: output x, output y 从原始图像 (x, y) 位置开始裁剪
ow, oh: output w, output h 裁剪的宽高,也是输出图像的宽高

计划支持以下 YUV 图像格式:

typedef enum
    YUV422I_UYVY = 0x0000,
    /**< YUV 422 Interleaved format - UYVY. */
    YUV422I_YUYV = 0x0001,
    /**< YUV 422 Interleaved format - YUYV. */
    YUV422I_YVYU = 0x0002,
    /**< YUV 422 Interleaved format - YVYU. */
    YUV422I_VYUY = 0x0003,
    /**< YUV 422 Interleaved format - VYUY. */
    YUV422SP_UV = 0x0004,
    /**< YUV 422 Semi-Planar - Y separate, UV interleaved. */
    YUV422SP_VU = 0x0005,
    /**< YUV 422 Semi-Planar - Y separate, VU interleaved. */
    YUV422P = 0x0006,
    /**< YUV 422 Planar - Y, U and V separate. */

    YUV420SP_UV = 0x0007,
    /**< YUV 420 Semi-Planar - Y separate, UV interleaved. */
    YUV420SP_VU = 0x0008,
    /**< YUV 420 Semi-Planar - Y separate, VU interleaved. */
    YUV420P = 0x0009,
    /**< YUV 420 Planar - Y, U and V separate. */

    YUV444P = 0x000A,
    /**< YUV 444 Planar - Y, U and V separate. */
    YUV444I = 0x000B,
    /**< YUV 444 interleaved - YUVYUV... */
    /**< Invalid data format. Could be used to initialize variables. */
} DataFormat;


  • YUV420SP_UV


user@ubuntu:~/work/c-study/YUV-image-cropping$ make
gcc -o app main.c
user@ubuntu:~/work/c-study/YUV-image-cropping$ ./app 
usage: ./app fmt file iw ih ox oy ow oh
eg   : ./app YUV420SP_UV xxx.yuv420sp_uv out.yuv420sp_uv 1920 1080 0 0 1280 960

user@ubuntu:~/work/c-study/YUV-image-cropping$ ./app YUV420SP_UV xxx.yuv420sp_uv out.yuv420sp_uv 1920 1080 960 540 480 270