
:zap: ExpressJS Rest API Sample

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is sample for creating Restful API with nodejs.

Preview :

Using technology

- NodeJS and Expressjs for server routing - Jade for server templating - Angularjs, jQuery, VueJs - Bootstrap for CSS template - Grunt for Task Runner


- Install grunt-cli, read : http://gruntjs.com/getting-started
sudo npm install -g grunt-cli
- Install depedency
sudo npm install
- Run Task
grunt --verbose
- Run project
npm start
- Open in Browser
http://localhost:3000 ==> index
http://localhost:3000/app ==> CRUD using jquery
http://localhost:3000/angularapp ==> CRUD using AngularJS
http://localhost:3000/vueapp ==> CRUD using VueJS

Here you will learn about

- Create server route using ExpressJS, read more : https://expressjs.com/en/guide/routing.html - Using server side templating using Jade Templating, read more : http://jade-lang.com/tutorial/ - Create AngularJS Services for wrapping all request to server using Angular Resources, read more : https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ngResource/service/$resource - Create CRUD using AngularJS ==> http://localhost:3000/angularapp - Create CRUD using VueJS ==> http://localhost:3000/vueapp - Create CRUD using JQuery ==> http://localhost:3000/app
**Hope will usefull for you all.**

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