A student that completes this project shows that they can:
Starting with the java-school application
Get the endpoint GET /courses/studcount working
Add appropriate exception handling routines. Required exceptions to handle are when
- a resource is not found
- the wrong data type is used for a path variable
- a non-handled endpoint is accessed (a URL not found exception)
Add appropriate logging routines. Required logging include
- Activating actuator endpoints
- Tomcat logging routed to a separate log file
- Custom logging under each Get endpoint saying the endpoint has been accessed
- should only go to console
- for example when a client calls PUT /students/Student log should say "PUT /students/Student accessed"
- include in log any appropriate parameters sent to the end point
- for each log, add a date and time stamp.
- Note: put the log files under the directory /tmp/var/logs/lambdajx You may have to create some directories for this to work.
- Add endpoints to create, update, delete an instructor.
- Add endpoints to add, delete a student from a course.
- Add User Authentication using OAuth2 to the Java-School Application
- After adding User Authentication, Add Endpoints to create, read, update, delete a user.