
Towards a Use Case-Driven Evaluation of Database Systems for RDF Data Storage - A Case Study for Statistical Data

Primary LanguageJava


Stop all processes that are not relevant for the system to run, e.g.

  • Dropbox (kill pid) or Browsers
  • tracker (tracker-control -t)
  • mysql (sudo service mysqld stop), postgresql (pgctl main stop)

Make sure the system that you want to evaluate is running.

cd disco-evaluation

System Configuration

Edit property-file to match your configuration.

vim application.properties
  • The evaluate-property is a label for the system you are evaluating. It is also used in other properties. This is the property to change when you go from evaluating one system to evaluating another.

  • Customize all properties starting with server.db. If you are evaluating sesame or neo4j, just leave the property server.db.X.driverClass empty.


Per default, the queries are placed in a folder like queries-X, where X is the system you want to evaluate, e.g. queries-sesame. This is stated by the property queries.folder.


There are two scenarios: either there is a file in folder queries/equalDistribution.txt or queries/probabilityDistribution.txt or not. In case there is a file this file is used as the execution sequence of queries. If there is no file the sequence is computed according to the configuration given in the property file.

  • Property value for queries.distribution says something about the distribution of the queries in the bucket. Possible values are equalDistribution and probabilityDistribution. This value will instantiate the corresponding evaluator AND will give the program a hint where to place or find the distributions of your queries.

When you first run the program it looks for a file called ${queries.distribution}.txt in the folder project-root/queries. If it is not there, it will be created according to the value of the property queries.distribution.

If you already have a specific distribution in mind, please save the queries on a per line basis in this folder project-root/queries.

Equal Distribution

  • queries.multiplier is the value by which all queries will be multiplied. For instance, if you have 40 queries and a multiplier value of 25, you will get 1000 queries in total.

The resulting bucket queries will then be shuffled.

Probability Distribution

In probability distribution there is no multiplier, instead you will have to give a total number of queries and the according query distributions.

  • queries.total is the total size of the bucket.

  • queries.probabilities assigns each query a probability value, which states the likelyhood of the query to be executed. The number of probability values has to be equal to the number of queries available.

Start Evaluation

To start the evaluation just use the following java command

java -jar disco-evaluation.jar

Results are written into the file specified in property statistics.output.filename.