
A cross-platform svn to git migrator.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


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Svn2Git.NET is re-written from svn2git. It intends to provide a simple and easy way to migrate projects from svn to git.

Svn2Git.NET is based on git-svn so please make sure git-svn has been installed.


Say if we have this code in svn:


git-svn will go through the commit history to build a new git repo. It will import all branches and tags as remote svn branches, whereas what you really want is git-native local branches and git tag objects. So after importing this project we'll get:

$ git branch
* master
$ git branch -a
* master
$ git tag -l
[ empty ]

After svn2gitnet is done with your project, you'll get this instead:

$ git branch
* master
$ git tag -l

Finally, it makes sure the HEAD of master is the same as the current trunk of the svn repo.



  • Option 1: Download .msi file in the release page. Double click to install it. Type svn2gitnet --help to verify the installation.

  • Option: 2: Download zip file in the release page. Extract the zip, and add the folder to PATH environment variable. Open command line window and type svn2gitnet --help.

Mac and *nix

Download the correct tar.gz file according to your OS.

Extract it via:

tar -zxvf yourosname.tar.gz

Add the folder to the environment path:


Type svn2gitnet --help to verify the installation.

How to use

Initial Conversion

There are several ways you can create a git repo from an existing svn repo. The differentiating factor is the svn repo layout. Below is an enumerated listing of the varying supported layouts and the proper way to create a git repo from a svn repo in the specified layout.

  1. The svn repo is in the standard layout of (trunk, branches, tags) at the root level of the repo.
svn2gitnet http://svn.example.com/path/to/repo
  1. The svn repo is NOT in standard layout and has only a trunk and tags at the root level of the repo.
svn2gitnet http://svn.example.com/path/to/repo --trunk dev --tags rel --nobranches
  1. The svn repo is NOT in standard layout and has only a trunk at the root level of the repo.
svn2gitnet http://svn.example.com/path/to/repo --trunk trunk --nobranches --notags
  1. The svn repo is NOT in standard layout and has no trunk, branches, or tags at the root level of the repo. Instead the root level of the repo is equivalent to the trunk and there are no tags or branches.
svn2gitnet http://svn.example.com/path/to/repo --rootistrunk
  1. The svn repo is in the standard layout but you want to exclude the massive doc directory and the backup files you once accidently added.
svn2gitnet http://svn.example.com/path/to/repo --exclude doc --exclude '.*~$'
  1. The svn repo actually tracks several projects and you only want to migrate one of them.
svn2gitnet http://svn.example.com/path/to/repo/nested_project --no-minimize-url
  1. The svn repo is password protected.
svn2gitnet http://svn.example.com/path/to/repo --username <<user_with_perms>> --password <<password>>
  1. You need to migrate starting at a specific svn revision number.
svn2gitnet http://svn.example.com/path/to/repo --revision <<starting_revision_number>>
  1. You need to migrate starting at a specific svn revision number, ending at a specific revision number.
 svn2gitnet http://svn.example.com/path/to/repo --revision <<starting_revision_number>>:<<ending_revision_number>>
  1. Include metadata (git-svn-id) in git logs.
svn2gitnet http://svn.example.com/path/to/repo --metadata

The above will create a git repository in the current directory with the git version of the svn repository. Hence, you need to make a directory that you want your new git repo to exist in, change into it and then run one of the above commands. Note that in the above cases the trunk, branches, tags options are simply folder names relative to the provided repo path. For example if you specified trunk=foo branches=bar and tags=foobar it would be referencing http://svn.example.com/path/to/repo/foo as your trunk, and so on. However, in case 4 it references the root of the repo as trunk.

Repository Updates

to pull in the latest changes from SVN into your git repository created with svn2git. This is a one way sync, but allows you to use svn2git as a mirroring tool for your SVN repositories.

The command to call is:

svn2gitnet --rebase

Optionally you can also use an alternate username/password instead of the default:

svn2gitnet --rebase --username <<user>> --password <<password>>


To convert all your svn authors to git format, create a file somewhere on your system with the list of conversions to make, one per line, for example:

mazong1123 = Jingyu Ma <mazong1123@gmail.com>
foo = Foo Foo <foo@just-an-email-address.com>

Then pass an --authors option to svn2gitnet pointing to your file:

svn2gitnet http://svn.example.com/path/to/repo --authors ~/authors.txt


If you're having problems with converting your repository and you're not sure why, try turning on verbose logging. This will print out more information from the underlying git-svn process as well as other trace information.

You can turn on verbose logging with the -v or --verbose flags, like so:

svn2gitnet http://svn.yoursite.com/path/to/repo --verbose

Options Reference

PS C:\Users\mazong1123> svn2gitnet --help
svn2gitnet 1.0.0-preview 
Copyright (C) 2017 Jingyu Ma

  -v, --verbose        (Default: false) Be verbose in logging -- useful for debugging issues

  -m, --metadata       (Default: false) Include metadata in git logs (git-svn-id)

  --no-minimize-url    Accept URLs as-is without attempting to connect to a higher level directory

  --rootistrunk        Use this if the root level of the repo is equivalent to the trunk and there are no tags or

  --trunk              (Default: trunk) Subpath to trunk from repository URL (default: trunk)

  --notrunk            Do not import anything from trunk

  --branches           Subpath to branches from repository URL (default: branches); can be used multiple times

  --nobranches         Do not try to import any branches

  --tags               Subpath to tags from repository URL (default: tags); can be used multiple times

  --notags             Do not try to import any tags

  --exclude            Specify a Perl regular expression to filter paths when fetching; can be used multiple times

  --revision           Start importing from SVN revision START_REV; optionally end at END_REV

  --username           Username for transports that needs it (http(s), svn)

  --password           Password for transports that need it (http(s), svn)

  --rebase             Instead of cloning a new project, rebase an existing one against SVN

  --rebasebranch       Rebase specified branch

  --authors            Path to file containing svn-to-git authors mapping

  --help               Display this help screen.

  --version            Display version information.


Bug report & feature request

Bug report and feature request are always welcome. Please file an issue so that we can have a traceable discussion.

Build and test the source code



Run following command to build the source code:



*nix and Mac:


Run unit tests

If you only want to run unit tests other than full test, go to tests/unittests, run dotnet test.

Run unit tests and integration tests

The integration tests require accessing external test svn repository and save the temp results in local folder. So currently some test cases related to private repository cannot be ran locally.

To run the unit tests and integrationg tests:



*nix and Mac:


Support this project

You can buy me a cup of coffee if svn2git.net helped you :).



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