
Assignment 31

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Assignment 32

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1- Python for Data Science Certificate (Sololearn)


2- Fruits Visualization (banana vs apple)

  • python visualization (case) fruit classification (banana and Apple war)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

3- Melons VS balloons (3dscatter)

  • Create a database with random numbers for (balloon and melon)
  • Display the generated database in three dimensions (3D Scatter)


Assignment 33

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  • Analysis an Online Retail dataset to figure out the problem in April.
  • As shown in the charts, in April, the store was unable to attract new customers as well as retain old customers.

    2 3 4

Assignment 34

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1- Covid-19

  • Analyze Covid 19 data and show the 8 most affected countries in April 2020

    Screenshot (173)

  • Draw a graph that shows the mortality rate VS the number of cases in Iran on different days

    Screenshot (174)

2- KNN

  • Implement a method called evaluate in the KNN algorithm class.It should Returns the accuracy percentage of the algorithm as a number between zero and one.

3- KNN-OCR of Hand-written Digits

  • KNN-OCR of Hand-written Digits

Assignment 35

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1- iris-KNN

  • Run the KNN algorithm on the iris database with different K value and Draw the obtained accuracy together as a graph


2- Abalone-KNN

  • Run the KNN algorithm on the Abalone database


  • Use KNN algorithm and Train the algorithm with a Clownfish image and test it with another Clownfish image

Assignment 36

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1- iris-KNN-Confusion Matrix

  • For the iris dataset, plot the confusion matrix
    • output

2- LLS- Study hour & Score

  • Create continuous random data on the number of study hours (X) and the score (Y) of students as follows (the more you study, the higher your score)


  • Then draw a few lines with a random and wrong slope on it. Then, with the help of the Linear least squares method, get and draw the line with the correct slope.


  • Compare the output of your method with the output of the linregress method from the scipy library


3- Boston LLS Regression

  • Implement the Linear least squares method on the Boston database from the scikit-learn library


Assignment 37

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1- Digikala

  • Draw the following diagrams for Digikala data:
    • Number of orders per month
    • Customers by city
  • Result

    output output

2- QR Code Reader

  • Qr Code Reader program using opencv.

3- Abalone LLS

  • Solve the Abalone problem as Regression and estimate the age of the oyster
  • Add 4 Loss function :
    • MAE Loss
    • MSE Loss
    • Huber Loss
    • Hinge Loss

Assignment 38

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  • Use the perceptron algorithm to teach a linear model on the Boston dataset
    • Data graph and forecast page in animation and Graph the error rate in the training process

      20220215_114903 Screenshot (32)

    • Write the predict function that can take x_test to predict y_test.
    • Write the evaluate function and report the train accuracy and test accuracy.

Assignment 39

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Weather Temp Prediction

  • This is not a linear problem, so we will not get the ideal answer with a linear method, I will soon learn a way to solve this problem correctly
    • Screenshot (39)
    • Screenshot (38)

Assignment 40

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Titanic Prediction with MLP, Perceptron, KNN

  • Use machine learning to create a model that can predict survivors of the Titanic

    • Execute predict on test data and report results
    • Save MLP model
    • Compare the accuracy of the models
  • Accuracy compare on Test data

    • Algorithm KNN Perceptron MLP (Multi Layer Perceptron)
      Accuracy 80 % 66 % (r2 squared) 93 %
    • Screenshot (42)

Assignment 41

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MLP_Boston Housing

  • Use the MLP (Multi Layer Perceptron) model on the Boston dataset
    • W B Chart 2_28_2022, 12_53_34 PM

MLP_Weather Temp Prediction

  • solve Assignment 39 with a MLP model

    • Screenshot (45)
    • W B Chart 2_28_2022, 12_55_08 PM
  • Accuracy ( Loss ) compare on Test data

    • Algorithm MLP (Multi Layer Perceptron) Perceptron
      Accuracy ( Loss ) 2.95 7.46