
Helpers for Behat

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Behat Helpers

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This library provides some helpers over Behat.

This is a work in progress, so if you'd like something implemented please feel free to ask for it or contribute to help us!


Require it using Composer:

composer require --dev ekino/behat-helpers

And use the helpers you need in your FeatureContext class.


Behat handles only one base URL to run the tests suites. In order to test a multisite-application, this trait allows you to inject a base URL by suite.

# behat.yml
                - Tests\Behat\Context\MyFeatureContext:
                    - https://foo.bar.localdev
                - Tests\Behat\Context\MyFeatureContext:
                    - https://bar.foo.localdev
// your feature context

namespace Tests\Behat\Context;

use Behat\MinkExtension\Context\MinkContext;
use Ekino\BehatHelpers\BaseUrlTrait;

class MyFeatureContext extends MinkContext
    use BaseUrlTrait;

    public function __construct($baseUrl)


This trait can be used for debug purposes. It captures both HTML and screenshot when a step fails, so you can see the page at this moment.

Note that it requires KernelDictionary from behat/symfony2-extension.

// your feature context

namespace Tests\Behat\Context;

use Behat\MinkExtension\Context\MinkContext;
use Behat\Symfony2Extension\Context\KernelDictionary;
use Ekino\BehatHelpers\DebugTrait;

class MyFeatureContext extends MinkContext
    use DebugTrait;
    use KernelDictionary;

You can also profile your tests by adding the tag behat_helpers_profile on the feature or scenario. You'll see the consumed memory and the execution time for each scenario.

Feature: Front test
  I want to be able to access to the application
Scenario: foo elt should be visible in 2 seconds or less
    Given ...
    Then I wait for "foo" element being visible for 2 seconds


This trait provides some helpers over the session.

// your feature context

namespace Tests\Behat\Context;

use Behat\MinkExtension\Context\MinkContext;
use Ekino\BehatHelpers\ExtraSessionTrait;

class MyFeatureContext extends MinkContext
    use ExtraSessionTrait;
Scenario: foo elt should be visible in 2 seconds or less
    Given ...
    Then I wait for "foo" element being visible for 2 seconds
Step Regex
I wait for 2 seconds /^I wait for (\d+) seconds?$/
I wait for "foo" element being visible for 2 seconds /^I wait for "([^"]*)" element being visible for (\d+) seconds$/
I wait for "Foo" element being invisible for 2 seconds /^I wait for "([^"]*)" element being invisible for (\d+) seconds$/
I scroll to 123 and 987 /^I scroll to (\d+) and (\d+)?$/
I wait 3 seconds that page contains text "Foo" /^I wait (\d+) seconds that page contains text "([^"]*)"$/
I wait 3 seconds that page not contains text "Bar" /^I wait (\d+) seconds that page not contains text "([^"]*)"$/
I click on button containing "Foo" /^I click on (?:link|button) containing "(?P<text>[^"]*)"$/


This trait provides some extra asserts.

// your feature context

namespace Tests\Behat\Context;

use Behat\MinkExtension\Context\MinkContext;
use Ekino\BehatHelpers\ExtraWebAssertTrait;

class MyFeatureContext extends MinkContext
    use ExtraWebAssertTrait;
Step Regex
the "Foo" element should have attribute "Bar" /^the "(?P<element>[^"]*)" element should have attribute "(?P<value>(?:[^"]|\\")*)"$/
I click the "Foo" element /^I click the "(?P<element>[^"]*)" element$/
I should see at least 2 "Bar" elements /^(?:|I )should see at least (?P<num>\d+) "(?P<element>[^"]*)" elements?$/


This trait aims to write small/simple scenarii and preserve execution time. To do so, the cookies are reloaded between the scenarii. This can be useful in case of a multistep form: the first scenario fills the first step and submits (here the cookies are saved), then the second scenario is executed (the cookies are reloaded so no need to do the previous step again) and fills the second step...etc.

// your feature context

namespace Tests\Behat\Context;

use Behat\MinkExtension\Context\MinkContext;
use Ekino\BehatHelpers\ReloadCookiesTrait;

class MyFeatureContext extends MinkContext
    use ReloadCookiesTrait;

     * @When /^I fill the first step$/
    public function fillStep1()
        $this->doOnce(function () {
            $this->fillField('input_step1', 'foo');

     * @When /^I fill the second step$/
    public function fillStep2()
        $this->doOnce(function () {
            $this->fillField('input_step2', 'bar');
Scenario: I can fill the step1
    Given I fill the first step
    Then I should be on "/step2"
Scenario: I can fill the step2
    Given I fill the second step
    Then I should be on "/step3"

You can add the tag behat_helpers_no_cache to avoid cookies being saved/reloaded:

Scenario: I can fill the step2
    Given I fill the second step
    Then I should be on "/step3"

You can add the tag behat_helpers_reset_cache to clear cookies previously saved:

Scenario: I am on /step1 if previous cookies are reset
    Given I fill the second step
    Then I should be on "/step3"
    But I am on "/step1"
Step Regex
I fill the first step /^I fill the first step$/
I fill the second step /^I fill the second step$/


This trait allows you to restore the database at the end of a scenario as it was before the scenario starts. It can be useful if a scenario alters the database, so the scenarii can be independent.

Of course, it can take a while with a big database.

For now, only MySQL is supported. It requires mysqldump to be installed to export the data, and doctrine/doctrine-bundle to re-import the dump.

Note that it requires KernelDictionary from behat/symfony2-extension.

// your feature context

namespace Tests\Behat\Context;

use Behat\MinkExtension\Context\MinkContext;
use Behat\Symfony2Extension\Context\KernelDictionary;
use Ekino\BehatHelpers\ReloadDatabaseTrait;

class MyFeatureContext extends MinkContext
    use KernelDictionary;
    use ReloadDatabaseTrait;
Scenario: I can fill the step2
    Given I fill the second step
    Then I should be on "/step3"


This helper uses the router from Symfony and so avoids hard-coded URL in your scenarii.

Note that it requires KernelDictionary from behat/symfony2-extension.

// your feature context

namespace Tests\Behat\Context;

use Behat\MinkExtension\Context\MinkContext;
use Behat\Symfony2Extension\Context\KernelDictionary;
use Ekino\BehatHelpers\RouterAwareTrait;

class MyFeatureContext extends MinkContext
    use KernelDictionary;
    use RouterAwareTrait;
Scenario: I can see "something" when I visit /foo
    Given I am on "my_route_id"
    Then I should see "something"

If your route requires some parameters, you can provide them by separating them to the route identifier with a ;:

Scenario: I can see "something" when I visit /foo/1/2
    Given I am on "my_route_id;param1=1&param2=2"
    Then I should see "something"


This trait integrates sonata-project/admin-bundle with some basics like interaction with menu, navigation bar, poping, select2... You can combined it with the ReloadCookiesTrait in order to login only once for instance, and with RouterAwareTrait to use route ids.

Note that it requires KernelDictionary from behat/symfony2-extension.

// your feature context

namespace Tests\Behat\Context;

use Behat\MinkExtension\Context\MinkContext;
use Behat\Symfony2Extension\Context\KernelDictionary;
use Ekino\BehatHelpers\ReloadCookiesTrait;
use Ekino\BehatHelpers\RouterAwareTrait;
use Ekino\BehatHelpers\SonataAdminTrait;

class MyFeatureContext extends MinkContext
    use KernelDictionary;
    use ReloadCookiesTrait;
    use RouterAwareTrait;
    use SonataAdminTrait;

     * @When /^I login with username "(?P<username>[^"]*)" and password "(?P<password>[^"]*)"$/
     * @param string $username
     * @param string $password
    public function fillLoginForm($username, $password)
        $this->doOnce(function () use ($username, $password) {
            $this->login($username, $password);
Scenario: I can login and then access to the admin dashboard
    Given I login with username "admin" and password "admin"
    Then I should be on "sonata_admin_dashboard"
    And I should see "Welcome to the admin dashboard"
Step Regex
I open the menu "Foo" /^I open the menu "([^"]*)"$/
I should see "Foo" action in navbar /^I should see "([^"]*)" action in navbar$/
I should not see "Foo" action in navbar /^I should not see "([^"]*)" action in navbar$/
I click on "Foo" action in navbar /^I click on "([^"]*)" action in navbar$/
clicking on the "Foo" element should open a popin "Bar" /^clicking on the "([^"]*)" element should open a popin "([^"]*)"$/
the popin "Foo" should be closed /^the popin "([^"]*)" should be closed$/
the popin "Foo" should not be opened /^the popin "([^"]*)" should not be opened$/
the popin "Foo" should be opened /^the popin "([^"]*)" should be opened$/
I set the select2 field "Foo" to "Bar" /^(?:|I )set the select2 field "(?P<field>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" to "(?P<textValues>(?:[^"]|\\")*)"$/
I set the select2 value "Foo" for "Bar" /^(?:|I )set the select2 value "(?P<textValues>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" for "(?P<field>(?:[^"]|\\")*)"$/


This trait integrates sonata-project/page-bundle with some basics like interaction with container, block... You can combined it with the ReloadCookiesTrait and with RouterAwareTrait to use route ids.

// your feature context

namespace Tests\Behat\Context;

use Behat\MinkExtension\Context\MinkContext;
use Behat\Symfony2Extension\Context\KernelDictionary;
use Ekino\BehatHelpers\SonataPageAdminTrait;

class MyFeatureContext extends MinkContext
    use KernelDictionary;
    use ReloadCookiesTrait;
    use RouterAwareTrait;
    use SonataPageAdminTrait;
Scenario: I can see "Simple text block" when I add a SimpleTextBlockService
Given     I login
Then      I am on "admin_app_sonata_page_compose;id=1"
And       I open the container by text "Content"
And       I add the block "Simple text" with the name "Foo"
And       I open the block "Foo"
And       The block "Foo" should be opened
And       I rename the block "Foo" with "Bar"
And       I submit the block "Foo"
And       The block "Bar" should be closed
And       I should see 1 blocks
And       I delete the block "Bar"
Step Regex
I open the container by text "Content" /^I open the container "([^"]*)"$/
I add the block "Simple text" with the name "Foo" /^I add the block "([^"]*)" with the name "([^"]*)"$/
I go to the tab "English" of the block "Foo" /^I go to the tab "([^"]*)" of the block "([^"]*)"$/
I should see 6 blocks /^I should see (\d+) blocks$/
I open the block "Foo" /^I open the block "([^"]*)"$/
I submit the block "Foo" /^I submit the block "([^"]*)"$/
I delete the block "Foo" /^I delete the block "([^"]*)"$/
I rename the block "Foo" with "Bar" /^I rename the block "([^"]*)" with "([^"]*)"$/
The block "Foo" should be opened /^The block "([^"]*)" should be opened$/
The block "Foo" should be closed /^The block "([^"]*)" should be closed$/