Welcome to C# 2021!

with your gracious host: @mazurasdf link to youtube playlist here

Here's some handy info about using git in your terminal:

Push to GitHub for the first time

  • cd into project from terminal (need to be inside your project)
  • git init (initialize an empty repo in your project)
  • git add . (add everything that's been changed, staging it for pushing into github)
  • git commit -m "First commit" (Give a descriptive name to what you're adding)
  • git branch -M main (create the main branch, overwrites default master branch)
  • git remote add origin "your origin url here" (connects you to the git repository)
  • git push -u origin main (add everything you staged with git add to your repo)

Update an existing project

  • cd into the project from terminal (need to be inside your project)
  • git add . (adds all the files you changed, staging it for pushing into github)
  • git commit -m "Second commit or whatever" (Give a descriptive name to what you're editing)
  • git push (add everything you just committed to your repo)

Other handy git commands

  • git pull downloads any updates made by yourself or other collaborators
  • git checkout nameOfBranch if you have multiple branches, this will change the working branch

🥦 🥦 🥦