Welcome to MERN September 2021!

with your gracious host: @mazurasdf link to youtube playlist here

Here's some handy information for this repo:

  • in your terminal of choice, run git clone https://github.com/mazurasdf/MERN_September2021.git
  • cd into the project of your choice
if the project is react only
  1. run npm install to install the dependencies of the project
  2. run npm start to the get the react server running

if the project is back end only

  1. run npm install to install the dependencies of the project
  2. run nodemon server.js to get the server running

if the project is full stack

  1. run npm install to install the dependencies of the back end
  2. run nodemon server.js to get the back end running
  3. open a second terminal(second instance window or hit plus VS Code's terminal to make a second one
  4. in the second terminal, cd into the react project, usually called "client"
  5. run npm install to install the dependencies of the front end
  6. run npm start to get the front end going alongside the back end

Here's some handy info about using git in your terminal:

Push to GitHub for the first time

  • cd into project from terminal (need to be inside your project)
  • git init (initialize an empty repo in your project)
  • git add . (add everything that's been changed, staging it for pushing into github)
  • git commit -m "First commit" (Give a descriptive name to what you're adding)
  • git branch -M main (create the main branch, overwrites default master branch)
  • git remote add origin "your origin url here" (connects you to the git repository)
  • git push -u origin main (add everything you staged with git add to your repo)

Update an existing project

  • cd into the project from terminal (need to be inside your project)
  • git add . (adds all the files you changed, staging it for pushing into github)
  • git commit -m "Second commit or whatever" (Give a descriptive name to what you're editing)
  • git push (add everything you just committed to your repo)

Other handy git commands

  • git pull downloads any updates made by yourself or other collaborators
  • git checkout nameOfBranch if you have multiple branches, this will change the working branch

Don't forget these steps when setting up your full stack project!

  • create project folder
  • create server.js with boilerplate code adjusted for the name of your routes file
  • run npm init -y
  • run npm install express mongoose cors
    • this adds all the necessary dependencies for our back end
  • set up the file structure as such
    • back end structure
    • don't forget to add the files and code in the server folder!
  • create the frontend by running npx create-react-app client from the main project folder
  • cd client/
  • run npm install axios react-router-dom
    • this adds the dependencies we need for the front end

🥦 🥦 🥦