
Wagtail template with a React/Redux frontend.

Primary LanguageCSS

Wagtail - React Starter Template

This project uses Django-based Wagtail CMS for the backend with a React fronted and Redux store that connects to its page API.

It currently has page types ready to be added for a basic Portfolio type website with a Blog.

See it in action here --> mazurbeam.com To download and run with the dev server:

git clone https://github.com/mazurbeam/wagtail-react-project.git
cd wagtail-react-project

// make your python virtualenv
virtualenv -p python3 ~/.virtualenvs/wagtail-react-project
source ~/.virtualenvs/wagtail-react-project/bin/activate

with virtualenv activated and inside the project directory

pip install -r requirements.txt
./manage.py migrate
./manage.py createsuperuser
./manage.py runserver

in another terminal starting in the project directory:

cd frontend
yarn install
yarn run

to build for production:

yarn build

You'll get the standard message to view at localhost:3000 but it will be accessible from Django at localhost:8000 with hot swapping enabled.

Access the wagtail admin at localhost:8000/admin/

  • be sure to explicitly add the slash '/' at the end or else it will load the frontend app.

For deployment, add a local.py in the Django settings folder with SECRET_KEY and Database settings.