A Telegram bot for www.keithfem.com that displays the radio shows schedule.
: displays the show that is on air at the moment./next
: displays the upcoming show./today
: displays the schedule for today./tomorrow
: displays the schedule for tomorrow./week
: displays the shows for the week./about
: the usual stuff that an about command displays./joke
: KeithF'em BotMeister, tell me a joke/donate
: donate to Keith F'em./help
: help about the commands.
Create a .envrc with these environment variables. Use direnv.
export PYTHONPATH=./src/
export DADJOKE_URL=https://icanhazdadjoke.com/
export TIMEZONE='Europe/Berlin'
KEITHFEM_BASE_URL is the airtime base url of the radio.
HTTP_API_TOKEN is from @Botfather
DADJOKE_URL is a jokes service.
TIMEZONE is the TZ where the bot is running. Usually paired with airtime service TZ. If not set 'Europe/London' will be used.
Keith F'em, a community radio experiment, is presented by Keith in conjunction with SP2. hello@keithfem.com