
ant tasks for CoffeeScript

Primary LanguageJava

CoffeeScript Ant Tasks

This project contains Ant tasks to run CoffeeScript from Ant, and compile CoffeeScript files to JavaScript.
It uses Rhino as the underlying JavaScript engine.

Grab latest files from here Downloads


The example below writes a line to stdout and a line to stderr.

        stdout.println "stdout: hello, world!"
        stderr.println "stderr: hello, world!"

The example below will set the property theResult to the string "the result"

    <CoffeeScript result="theResult">
        "the result"

When run after the previous command, this example will print the value of previous output.

        <arg value="${theResult}"/>
        stdout.println "the previous result was '${argv[0]}'"

Here's an example that runs CoffeeScript stored in a file.

    <CoffeeScript src="test/sample.coffee" result="theResult2">
        <arg value="arg #1"/>
        <arg value="the second arg"/>
        <arg value="finally, the third arg"/>

Here's some example CoffeeScript that could be stored in that file:

    result: []
    stdout.println "in $__FILE__"
    stdout.println "argv.length: ${argv.length}"
    result: for i in [0...argv.length]
        stdout.println "argv[${i}]: ${argv[i]}"
    result: result.join ", "
    stdout.println "the result from running in the script is '${result}'"

This example compiles CoffeeScript into JavaScript that puts all files at the test/out directory with no .call() wrapper.

    <CoffeeScriptC nowrap="true" destDir="test/out" verbose="true" nesting="false">
        <fileset dir="test/src" includes="**/*" />

This example compiles CoffeeScript into JavaScript that puts all files under their child directories test/out/** with no .call() wrapper.

    <CoffeeScriptC nowrap="true" destDir="test/out" verbose="true" nesting="true">
        <fileset dir="test/src" includes="**/*" />


Three Ant tasks are included:


Runs JavaScript code.

The JavaScript task supports the following attributes:

  • src - the name of a file that contains the JavaScript code to run

    Instead of running a file of JavaScript code, you can place the JavaScript code in the task as text instead. JavaScript code embedded directly in the task will NOT have typical Ant property substitution done on it.

  • result - the name of a property to place the result of running the JavaScript code in. The result of the JavaScript code is converted to a string and then placed in the property.

The JavaScript task supports the following nested elements:

  • <arg> - contains an argument to pass to the JavaScript code. May be used multiple times. Must contain an attribute named value which is the value to pass to the JavaScript code. Note that this is similar to the Exec task.

    An <arg> element may specify an attribute named type whose value is file, in which case the argument is passed to JavaScript as a java.io.File object. The value attribute should contain a file name relative to the Project's basedir attribute.

When the JavaScript code runs, the following variables will be set:

  • argv - an array of the values set by the <arg> elements
  • stdout - set to System.out
  • stderr - set to System.err
  • __FILE__ - set to the name of the script
  • task - set to the Ant task that is being run
  • util - set to an object with some useful methods

The util object

When your script runs with the JavaScript or CoffeeScript tasks, an additional object is available to your code in the global property name util. This object has the following functions:

  • readFile(fileName)

    This function will read the specified file and return the contents as a string. The file name is relative to the project's basedir.

  • writeFile(fileName, contents)

    This function will write the specified contents to the specified file. The file name is relative to the project's basedir.


Exactly the same as the JavaScript task, only the source is treated as CoffeeScript instead of JavaScript.


Compiles CoffeeScript source to JavaScript.

The CoffeeScript task supports the following attributes:

  • destDir - the output directory for the JavaScript files. If not specified, uses the "basedir" of the Ant project.

  • noWrap - sets the "noWrap" compile option of the CoffeeScript compiler. Setting to true will cause the function wrapper around the output to not be generated. The default is false, which will cause the function wrapper to be generated. (yeah, I hate negative option names too, prolly will change this)

  • verbose - prints a message to the console for every file processed. (defaults to true)

  • nesting - will inherit and maintin directory nested directory structure in the fileset base directories. If set to false will put all files at top level destDir. (defaults to false)

  • overwriteNewer - boolean to force overwrite if js is newer than coffee. (defaults to false)

The CoffeeScript task supports the typical "fileSet" sort of nested elements, as near as I can tell. This is how you specify input files. To generate the name of the output file, the path of the input file is completely stripped off, and a ".js" suffix is added to create the base name. Those files are all written to the destDir directory.


You can run the jar file from the command line to print some installation help and version information.

    java -jar csat.jar

For usage in Eclipse

Ffor usage in other IDE

Pretty much same as the Eclipse instructions, just don't use Eclipse.

  • Make sure jar is added to project/global library and also to your module dependency


To rebuild this jar:

  • checkout the project at github as an Eclipse project

  • run the build/get-libs.xml Ant script to load the required external code

  • refresh the project

  • update src/csat/versions.properties to give CSAT-VERSION a new version label

  • run the build/build-jar.xml Ant script to build the jar




MIT license: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php


0.1.7 - 2013/06/11

  • Updated to CoffeeScript 1.6.3
  • Adding flag for overwriteNewer - boolean to force overwrite if js is newer than coffee. (defaults to false)
  • Adding ant tests for overwrite

0.1.6 - 2012/11/26

  • Updated to CoffeeScript 1.4.0
  • Changed Task for CoffeeScriptC to inherit Task instead of MatchingTask so we can add a boolean flag to inherit directory nesting. The new flag is called nesting.
  • Changed noWrap to the new bare param for coffee-script compiler.
  • Added download directory containing versioned jars.

0.1.5 - 2010/08/06

  • util.readFile() was returning an empty string for non-existant files, now throws exception
  • util.readFile() and writeFile() no longer take into account the task's basedir
  • upgrade to CoffeeScript 0.9.0
  • add type attribute to the <arg> element for JavaScript and CoffeeScript to support passing Project basedir-resolved files into scripts.

0.1.4 - 2010/08/05

  • add a JSON object, since this version of Rhino doesn't have one

0.1.3 - 2010/08/05

  • make the util object available to scripts with some i/o functions
  • fix the location of the versions.properties file in the ant scripts
  • added Rhino's toolsrc to the rhino-src.zip file built

0.1.2 - 2010/08/03

  • README fixes
  • change the old out attribute of the JavaScript and CoffeeScript taks to result

0.1.1 - 2010/08/03

  • initial buildable version