
Invoke pandoc from any text editor with the opened file as input

Pandoc Mac OS X Services

Invoke pandoc from any text editor with the opened file as input.

This is achieved using Mac OS X services.


  1. Copy the files to your ~/Library/Services folder
  2. Restart your editor, open and save a file containing some markdown
  3. Go to the Services menu (for example if you're using Sublime: Sublime > Services) and choose a service like Pandoc PDF.
  4. After a few seconds, the PDF file will appear in the same folder as your markdown file
  5. Finally, you can assign a keyboard shortcut to invoke a service in System Preferences > Keyboard > Keyboard Shortcuts > Services (on the left).


Pandoc PDF with Template and Pandoc ConTeXt PDF with Template look for a template.tex or contextTemplate.tex file respectively in the same directory as the input file.

To get a copy of the default pandoc template to customize, use pandoc -D latex > template.tex or pandoc -D context > contextTemplate.tex respectively.