
A repository of the models and race strategy developed for MSXIV (and beyond!)

Primary LanguagePython


A repository of the models and race strategy developed for MSXIV (and beyond!)

What's here

  • Expected Solar Energy
  • A model of the car's energy consumption
  • A model of motor efficiency
  • A battery efficiency model
  • A SOC model
  • Our optimization strategy

How do I contribute?

  • Clone the repository (if you're unsure about this part, message Clarke VandenHoven on Slack)
  • Find a ticket on the JIRA board that sounds interesting (https://uwmidsun.atlassian.net/jira/software/projects/STRAT/boards/12)
  • If your task is not currently on the JIRA, create and assign yourself a ticket, and put the ticket under the appropriate Epic
  • Move onto a new branch and call it what you're trying to address (e.g. dynamicsfixes)
  • Make your changes locally and commit them
  • In your commit message, lead off with the ticket you're addressing (i.e. "STRAT-31 Creating a tutorial")
  • Push the changes to an upstream branch
  • Open a PR and it will be reviewed
  • If your PR has not been reviewed within 24 hours, copy the link and paste it into the gen-strategy channel on Slack


Message Clarke VandenHoven or Shalin Patel on Slack.
