
a server-side nodeJs component that takes screenshots

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A server-side NodeJS component that takes screenshots of:

  • Webpage at a URL location
  • Pure HTML
  • HTML injected into a webpage at a URL


fromURL(url, destinationFile, options, callback)

This will navigate to the url, take a screenshot and save it to the destination file

  • Url: String with the URL
  • DestinationFile: String with the location of the image file that will be saved. If null is provided then the callback will return as 2nd parameter a PNG buffer.
  • Options: Object[={}] with options
    • width: Number[=1280] to set the width of the viewport
    • height: Number[=720] to set the height of the viewport
    • waitAfterSelector: String[="html"] to set the selector that will be awaited for completion before taking the screenshot
    • waitMilliseconds: Number[=1000] to set the waiting time after the selector is ready before taking the screenshot
    • clip: Object[={}] crops the image
      • x: Number
      • y: Number
      • width: Number
      • height: Number
    • scale: Number[=1] to set the scaling of the browser.
  • Callback: Function with an optional error argument, and an optional PNG buffer argument.


var app = require("node-server-screenshot");
app.fromURL("https://google.com", "test.png", function(){
    //an image of google.com has been saved at ./test.png

fromHTML(html, destinationFile, options, callback)

This will navigate to the url, take a screenshot and save it to the destination file

  • Url: String with the URL
  • DestinationFile: String with the location of the image file that will be saved. If null is provided then the callback will return as 2nd parameter a PNG buffer.
  • Options: Object[={}] with options
    • width: Number[=1280] to set the width of the viewport
    • height: Number[=720] to set the height of the viewport
    • waitAfterSelector: String[="html"] to set the selector that will be awaited for completion before taking the screenshot
    • waitMilliseconds: Number[=1000] to set the waiting time after the selector is ready before taking the screenshot
    • clip: Object[={}] crops the image
      • x: Number
      • y: Number
      • width: Number
      • height: Number
    • inject: Object[={}]
      • url: String[="about:blank"] the url that the html will be injected in
      • selector String[="html"]: selecting the nodes where the HTML will be injected
        • String
        • {tag: String}
        • {id: String}
        • {className: String}
        • {jQuery: String} - Note! JQuery must be embedded in the page already
  • Callback: Function with an optional error argument, and an optional PNG buffer argument.


var app = require("node-server-screenshot");
    'This has been modified by injecting the HTML',
    {inject: {
        url: "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page",
        selector: {className: "mw-wiki-logo"}
        //an image of the HTML has been saved at ./test.png
var app = require("node-server-screenshot");
app.fromHTML("<html><body>Hello world!</body></html>", "test.png", function(){
    //an image of the HTML has been saved at ./test.png