
The simplest library to validate data or forms.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


The simplest library to validate data or forms.

<form id="contact">
  <input type="text" name="fullname" placeholder="Your full name" />
  <input type="email" name="email" placeholder="Valid emails adress" />
  <input type="number" name="age" placeholder="Your age" />
  <textarea name="message" placeholder="Your message"></textarea>


  var form = document.querySelector('#contact');

  var rules = {
    fullname: {
      required: true,
      minlength: 2,
      maxlength: 60
    email: {
      required: true,
      email: true
    age: {
      bigger_equal: 18,
      number: true
    message: {
      required: true,
      minlength: 5,
      maxlength: 2000

  form.addEventListener('submit', function (e) {

      .validate(form, rules)
      .then(() => {
        console.log('Form is valid!');
      .catch(errors => {
        console.log('Oops..! Form is invalid, please review it.');




npm install boss-validator


bower install boss-validator


<script src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/cezarlz/boss/master/dist/js/boss.min.js"></script>



  • required


  • less
  • less_equal
  • bigger
  • bigger_equal
  • between


  • exact
  • minlength
  • maxlength
  • extensions - For upload inputs
  • starts
  • ends
  • contains


  • boolean


  • email
  • regex - Create a custom regex
  • url
  • https
  • credit_card
  • ip_v4
  • ip_v6
  • alpha_numeric
  • alpha


For each validator, also have a error message. There is also a default message to cases where doesn't have a message to a validator, this is the default and you can override it.

const messages = {
  default: 'Please, fill this field.',
  required: 'This field is required.',

  // Numbers, Sizes
  less: 'The value needs to be less than {val}.',
  less_equal: 'The value needs to be less than or equal to {val}.',
  bigger: 'The value needs to be bigger than {val}.',
  bigger_equal: 'The value needs to be less than or equal to {val}.',
  between: 'The value must be between {val}',
  number: 'Please, enter a valid number.',

  // Strings
  exact: 'Please, this field needs to have {val} characters.',
  extensions: 'Please, upload a file with some of these extensions: {val}.',
  contains: 'Please, this field needs to have the value: {val}.',
  minlength: 'Please, this field needs minimum {val} characters.',
  maxlength: 'Please, this field needs maximum {val} characters.',
  starts: 'Please, this field needs to start with "{val}".',
  ends: 'Please, this field needs to end with "{val}".',

  // Booleans
  boolean: 'This field needs to be "true" or "false".',

  // Regex
  email: 'Please, provide a valid email address.',
  url: 'Please, provide a valid URL address with http:// or https://.',
  https: 'Your URL must starts with https://',
  credit_card: 'Please, enter a valid credit card number.',
  ip_v4: 'Please, enter a valid IPV4 address.',
  ip_v6: 'Please, enter a valid IPV6 address.',
  alpha: 'Only alpha characters are allowed.',
  alpha_numeric: 'Only alpha numeric characters are allowed.',


Boss.validate(form, rules)

Boss.validate(object, rules)

For each object in object, it needs to have the value property.

let fields = {
  ip: {
    value: ''

let rules = {
  ip: {
    ip_v4: true

Boss.validate(fields, rules);

If you want, you can override and create a custom message at the moment of the validation. You just need pass an object with the properties value and message.

let form = document.querySelector('#contact-form');

let rules = {
  email: {
    required: true,
    email: {
      value: true,
      message: 'Introduzca una dirección de correo electrónico válida.'
  cep: {
    required: {
      value: true,
      message: 'Por favor, este campo é obrigatório.'
    regex: {
      value: /^\d{2}\.\d{3}-\d{3}$/,
      message: 'O CEP deve ser preenchido no seguinte formato: 00.000-00.'

Boss.validate(form, rules);


// Default values
  errorElement: 'label',
  apeendErrors: true // Append the error after the input


You can simply override them or create new.

  default: 'You shall not pass!',
  required: 'Dude, please!',
  my_custom_validator: 'Your name is not <strong>Gandalf</strong>.'


Power to create custom validators. Easy.

  name: 'my_custom_validator',
  validator: function (el, value, rule) {
    return el.value === 'Gandalf';

Boss.validate(form, {
  nickname: {
    my_custom_validator: true

You can create a validator and pass its message too.

  name: 'long_name',
  validator: function (el) {
    return el.value.length >= 50;
  message: 'Your name is not long!'

Boss.validate(form, {
  fullname: {
    validator: true




Why not to help?

  • 🚀
  • Publish on npm install -i boss-validator and bower install boss-validator
  • Improve and review the messages
  • Create a easy way to extend I18n messages
  • Create unit tests !important
  • Create more useful validators
  • Improve this documentation
  • Create gh-pages branch
  • Create a logo

Browser Support

The lib boss-validator needs to support these features:

  • Object.keys
  • Promise
  • String.prototype.endsWith
  • Element.prototype.classList
  • Object.assign

If you aren't sure about these features, please, use this smart polyfill:

<script src="https://cdn.polyfill.io/v2/polyfill.min.js?features=Object.keys,Promise,String.prototype.endsWith,Element.prototype.classList,Object.assign"></script>

Made with ❤️ by community!