
CVE-2020-8250: Privilege Escalation via Command Injection in Pulse Secure VPN Linux Client

CVE-2020-8250: Privilege Escalation via Command Injection in Pulse Secure VPN Linux Client

The root SUID executable pulsesvc, has a function “do_upload” that unsafely passes the “HOME” environmental variable to “system()”. By altering the “HOME” variable to contain special shell characters (Ex: “``” or “$()”), an attacker can inject arbitrary commands when “do_upload” is called and can elevate his/her privileges to root.

NVD Disclosure:

The ND disclosure for this vulnerability can be found here.


The exploit targets code that is accessed post client authentication, that means that in order to exploit this vulnerability an attacker would require one of the 3 scenarios:

  • Hosting an attacker-controlled Pulse VPN Server
  • A valid SSL/TLS certificate to host a dummy VPN server (Can be easily done with solutions such as “Let’s Encrypt”)
  • Connecting to a legitimate Pulse VPN Server (User credentials/Client certificates may be found directly on the compromised client)

Proof Of Concept:

More details and the exploitation process can be found in this PDF.