A command line tool to fixup corrupted tags in Azure Communication Services usage logs
Use at your own risk!
ACSUsageLogFixup.exe <month> <day> <mode>
, where:
are used to construct the/m=<month>/d=<day>/
part of the log path. Run the tool multiple times, once for each day to be processed. -
is either "safe" or "update"-
"safe" means source container ("insights-logs-usage") remains untouched:
Copy each log file to a separate "insights-logs-usage-backup" container.
Verify that we are able to update broken "tags" and that after the update, the value is avalid JSON.
"update" makes changes in the source container:
Copy each log file to a separate "insights-logs-usage-backup" container. It will overwrite the backup created by the "safe" mode.
Perform substituion of broken "tags" into an empty element:
Write updated log into a 2nd blob next to the original one, called
Delete the
To run:
Set environment variable
. -
In src\ACSUsageLogFixup run:
dotnet restore
Run in "safe" mode, in src\ACSUsageLogFixup:
dotnet run 11 29 safe
Verify that backups got created and that tool reports substitions and no errors.
Run in "update" mode, in src\ACSUsageLogFixup:
dotnet run 11 29 update
Verify that updated JSONs look good in the original container for that day.
Repeat for other months/days that need fixing.