In the last tutorial we implemented a rather complicated security system for our web app. All web apps should have proper security and the logic is very similar for all of them. It would make sense to create a security library, so that the code is reused.
In fact, such library already exists in the Spring framework and it's called Spring Security. In this tutorial we will replace our hand written security system with Spring Security. Why didn't we use if from the start? Because security is complicated and the best way to understand what's going on is to implement it ourself. Why can't we keep using our own implementation? Because it probably contains several subtle bugs that we don't even know about until we get hacked.
As the first step, the security features we added in the last tutorial must be removed.
Current solution (to be removed) | Replacement |
login token stored in the User class and a cookie |
spring security will remember the login information using cookies and http sessions. methods for login/logout and getting the logged in user are provided. |
CsrfFilter for generating and checking the csrf token |
very similar filter is built into spring security and enabled out of the box |
csrf tokens manually added to html forms | csrf tokens automatically added by spring security's integration with thymeleaf |
csrf token manually cleared on login/logout | spring security will automatically clear the csrf token on login/logout |
security filter for adding Content-Security-Policy, Strict-Transport-Security and X-Frame-Options headers | spring security will automatically add Strict-Transport-Security and X-Frame-Options headers. Content-Security-Policy must be configured in the SecurityConfig class (see below). |
Keep the HTTPS configuration - this is part of the server configuration not specific to Spring Security.
Also keep the password hash field in the User
Add this to pom.xml:
public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
// TODO: configure the CSP header (doc link below)
// use the same CSP policy as we had in the last tutorial
// HSTS, X-Frame-Options and CSRF tokens are enabled by default
PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder() {
return new BCryptPasswordEncoder();
Spring Security Reference: Headers has more information about configuring HTTP headers (scroll down for CSP). CSP reference at MDN.
Spring Security has built in CSRF protection. This is enabled by default and works out of the box. Spring Security has a plugin for Thymeleaf that will automatically add CSRF tokens to all Thymeleaf html forms. If you're interested, Spring Security Reference: CSRF has more info.
public class ForumUserService implements UserDetailsService {
private static final Set<GrantedAuthority> DEFAULT_AUTHORITY = Collections.singleton(
new SimpleGrantedAuthority("USER")
public UserDetails loadUserByUsername(String username) throws UsernameNotFoundException {
// TODO: implement (in our system, email is the username)
// should return
Spring Security will take care of login tokens, checking password hashes, storing cookies etc.
The only thing it doesn't know how to do is store usernames and password hashes.
You must implement the UserDetailsService
interface to help Spring out.
The loadUserByUsername
method should return an user object that contains
- the username
- the password hash (the same BCrypt hash as we used before)
- a set of authorities (use the
The authority system allows us to give different users different permissions in the system, such as admin/moderator/user permissions. We currently don't have different types of users, so we'll give all users a generic USER authority and don't really use it anywhere.
void handleLogin(HttpServletRequest request) {
request.login(username, password);
void handleLogout(HttpServletRequest request) {
void doForumStuff(HttpServletRequest request) {
String loggedInUser = request.getRemoteUser(); // username or null
// do stuff with user
When you call the login
method, Spring Security will look up the user information using the UserDetailsService
we implemented before.
It will then hash the provided password and compare the result with the one stored in the UserDetails
If the password is ok, then Spring Security will remember the login and set the necessary cookies.
You no longer need to directly use the login token cookie and find the logged in user by the cookie. After a successful login, the logged in user's username (in our case, the email) is available from the request object.
The Spring Security Reference: Servlet API integration describes all the methods that are available for the logged in user.
Make sure all the security features are still working:
- CSRF token is present
- CSP header is present
- HSTS header is present
- X-Frame-Options header is present
- login/logout works
- can only post if logged in
When the server is starting up, Spring will scan all classes for @Configuration
, @Component
and @WebApplicationInitializer
Our SecurityConfig
class has the @EnableWebSecurity
annotation, which is a subclass of the @Configuration
The @EnableWebSecurity
annotation tells Spring to automatically create the Spring Security filters (same thing we used in the last tutorial for CSRF and security headers).
When creating the filters, Spring Security will find all classes that extend the WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter
class (such as our SecurityConfig
) and call the configure
method in them.
The configure methods tell Spring Security which security features to enable and provide the necessary details.
In the JPA repositories tutorial, we used dependency injection to have Spring inject the Spring Data repository implementations into our controllers:
public SampleController(SampleItemRepository items) {
this.items = items;
The component in Spring Security that deals with user login needs an implementation of the UserDetailsService
interface to know the password hashes.
It will use the same dependency injection mechanism to find a suitable UserDetailsService
// somewhere deep inside Spring Security; not the exact code, but idea is the same
class AuthenticationManager {
public AuthenticationManager(UserDetailsService users, PasswordEncoder hashAlgorithm) {
public void login(String username, String password) {
Spring will search all classes that have the @Component
It will find our ForumUserService
class, which implements UserDetailsService
, create an instance of it and pass it to the AuthenticationManager
The authentication manager also needs a PasswordEncoder
implementation that it will use to hash the passwords.
Spring will search all classes that have the @Component
annotation, but we have no classes that implement PasswordEncoder
Next, Spring will search all classes that have the @Configuration
annotation and find our SecurityConfig
Spring will search it and find the bean definition:
PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder() {
return new BCryptPasswordEncoder();
The @Bean
annotation and return type tell Spring it can use the method to create instances of PasswordEncoder
Spring will call the method, get a new BCryptPasswordEncoder
and pass it to the AuthenticationManager
In this part we're going to add a preferences page for our users. The page will allow the user to change the display name and set the profile picture.
Until now we've been writing custom CSS for each of our pages. Unfortunately, not everyone is a designer. Bootstrap is a CSS library that makes a lot of common web site elements look ok. Use the bootstrap library when building the preferences page.
Bootstrap checklist:
- include the bootstrap css by adding a
element to<head>
. you can copy-paste the link from Getting started - Bootstrap (look for Latest compiled and minified CSS) - whitelist
in the CSP style-src directive; see style-src at MDN for details. if you don't, then the browser will refuse to load the bootstrap css (we configured script-src to 'self' earlier, which will only allow css files from our own server). - don't invent your own page structure.
base the structure on the samples in the bootstrap documentation
- wrap everything in the body in a
<div class="container">
- create the form as the samples show in the bootstrap Forms chapter
- wrap everything in the body in a
We're going to add validation to the new preferences page form. Spring validation can check the form fields that are submitted from the html page and automatically generate error messages for bad values. Here is an example:
public class Person {
private int age;
public int getAge() { return age; }
public void setAge(int age) { this.age = age; }
@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST)
void handleForm(@Valid Person person, BindingResult bindingResult) {
if (bindingResult.hasErrors()) {
// send the user back to the edit form to fix the errors
return "edit_form";
// save the form
// send the user to the view form to see the result
return "view_form";
<form method="post">
<input th:field="${person.age}" />
<!-- if the age is under 18, Spring will generate an error and thymeleaf will render it here -->
<li th:each="err : ${#fields.errors('person.age')}" th:text="${err}"></li>
<input type="submit"/>
To enable validation, first add the javax.validation
annotations to your model class's fields (e.g. Person's fields).
See the validator documentation for examples and a list of supported annotations for details.
Next, add the model class as the request handler parameter.
For example, when you add Person
as the request handler parameter, Spring will create a new Person
object when a request arrives and sets all person's fields that it can find from the submitted form.
Annotate the parameter with @Valid
to enable validation.
Finally, add the BindingResult
parameter to the request handler.
This object allows you to inspect the validation results.
Some requirements:
- the class must have a default constructor
- the class must have getters and setters for all the fields that are submitted from the form.
- the form input names must follow the naming scheme modelClassName.fieldName (see the SampleItem class and the sample html templates).
for example, the
field from classapp.model.Person
should useperson.age
as the input name. - The
parameter must be placed right after the model class parameter in the request handler.
All the validation results are also accessible in the Thymeleaf templates. Thymeleaf has a pretty decent documentation about that. When the validation fails, you'll usually want to render the form again and let the user fix the errors.
The display name should be at least 2 characters long.
Add the necessary annotation to the User
Change the request handler to validate the form.
If the validation fails, send the user back to the form and show the errors.
Currently the users only have a display name. We'll now add support for profile icons. This consists of uploading the icons from the preferences page, storing the icons in the database and adding the icons to the forums posts.
We can store the icon in the User object.
The icon is just a piece of binary data.
Add a new field of type byte[]
to the User
Annotate the field with @Lob
which tells Hibernate to store it and not complain.
File uploads work using the <input type="file">
However there is a trick - the form's content type must be switched from the default application/x-www-form-urlencoded
to multipart/form-data
Use the enctype attribute of the <form>
element to do that.
What's up with the content type?
The browser and the server will automatically deal with it, you only need to add the enctype attribute to the <form>
Nonetheless, it's good to know a little more about it.
The default application/x-www-form-urlencoded
is rather primitive and cannot mix values from regular form inputs with data from the files.
It simply has no way to tell the server where the file begins and ends.
This is what a urlencoded POST looks like (based on samples_edit.html):
POST /samples/urlencoded HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 104
The multipart/form-data
is a bit more complicated and less efficient for sending form data, but it is file upload friendly.
This is what a multipart POST looks like:
POST /samples/multipart HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------9667853487481198227191294
Content-Length: 834
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="_csrf"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="key"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="value"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="my-file-input"; filename="sample.txt"
Content-Type: text/plain
use wireshark to capture http packets
To access the posted file in the request handler, add a new parameter to the handler method: @RequestParam MultipartFile theFile
Note that the parameter name must match the name attribute of the html <input>
, otherwise Spring cannot match them up.
Do not use a name that is also present in the validated class, otherwise Spring will go crazy.
Before saving the image, we should verify that it's an image and convert it to the jpg format.
BufferedImage image =;
ImageIO.write(image, "jpg", output);
// hint: use ByteArrayOutputStream
By default, the server will only allow small file uploads. Override the max upload size in the file:
The best way to show the users' icons in their posts would be to use the <img>
The tag should contain the src (th:src in Thymeleaf) attribute.. but where should it link to?
The image is in the database and the browser cannot directly access the database.
The solution is to add a new controller that deals with the users' icons. The url scheme should be GET /users/{id}/icon.
To send the image as a HTTP response, use ResponseEntity<byte[]>
as the request handler's return type.
Take a look at the static methods on the ResponseEntity
The response should:
- contain status code 200 OK
- set the Content-Type header to image/jpeg (hint:
) - send the image's bytes as the response body
Modify the forum templates to include the author's icon in each post. Set the max-height and max-width css properties on the icons so that huge icons don't break the layout. Add a default icon for users that don't have a custom icon.