Bank Api

It's basically an API that allows a transaction and gives response codes when the transactions fail on the client side and on the Banks side it allows the bank search Accounts transactions by account number , account name and even the type of account


So we have the Transaction model, that has properties like the TransactionId , transaction type , transaction status , A From account and destination account , a unique reference and a transaction date of type date. There's also a unique reference id that's instantiated and I used an enum to store related data like the transaction status which could be failed , success or an error. And then a transaction type which could be deposit , withdraw or transfer. That' explains my transaction models Then to the account model The account model contains an accountId , accountname , accountnumber( which is auto generated) and generates a random 10 digit number on account creation , then there's also the account type which is an enum that contains the types of accounts eg current, savings , government and corporate accounts Ps: I won't be explaining all the models but I'll be explaining the important ones There's also a pinhash and pinsalt model that hashes and salts the pin so its secure ( it Uses a SHA512 hash) Then there's an accountCreationDate and lastTransactionDate to enable the bank to track transaction dates and times Note: everything in the Account Model is accessible by only the bank But for the bank to get acces to all these , I created something like a Dto to also filter out what requests can be made by a bank worker Filtering the requests that can be made was where I used the GetAccountModel which allows a bank worker to request information using the Account name, Account number, Acccount Id , Email , Account balance and even account types


Now to the part where Users can use To register an account, a User needs the following information : first name , lastname, email, phone number and a type of account to be created ie current , savings etc. Pin, and a confirm pin. So I made the pin accept a 4 digit pin between 0-9 Then there's a response model that holds the response code and a response Id which is a guid and a response message that either returns error messages. Then going on to the Transaction model That's what facilities all transactions and in the model , we have properties which are The Destination Account , the Source Account , the Transaction type , Transaction date, Transaction Status and even a Transaction Unique reference which was instantiated to be a guid And then there's the Transaction Request Dto which is also a model that allows the Users to search for their transactions ( more like a transaction history) Then the last model will be an Update model that is accessible to the Users and allows them change their pins, phone numbers and emails

Future additions

Future additions will include:

  • A message queue service (RabbitMQ)
  • A background service for sending mails
  • A background service for generating account numbers and storing them in the database

Getting Started

These instructions will help you set up the project on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


  • .NET SDK installed on your machine.
  • A code editor such as Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code.


  git clone
  1. Navigate to the project directory:
 cd BankApi
  1. Build the solution
dotnet build
  1. Configure the database connection string in appsettings.json.
  2. Apply the database migrations:
dotnet ef database update
  1. Run the application:
dotnet run

The API should now be running locally at https://localhost:7055


Once the API is up and running, you can use tools like Postman or Swagger to interact with its endpoints. Refer to the API documentation for details on available routes and request formats.


For detailed information on the API endpoints, request and response formats, refer to the API Documentation.


Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or want to add enhancements, please create a pull request. Make sure to follow the contributing guidelines.


This project was inspired by the love for the financial technology and the desire to make it better. Special thanks to the .NET community for their continuous support and contributions.