
Clean shutdown script for an x728 UPS board on a raspberry pi.

Primary LanguagePython


Clean shutdown script for an x728 UPS board on a raspberry pi.

Used with the Geekworm x728 UPS hat for raspberry pi.

This simple pythons script will trigger the onboard buzzer to beep once (pin 20), followed by sending a signal to pin 6.


Enabling I2C on Raspberry Pi

Open the terminal and enter:

sudo raspi-config

Select number 5 'interface options'

Interface Options

Select 'P5 I2C - Enable/Disable automatic loading of I2C kernel module'

Enable/Disable I2C

You should see the following:

I2C Enabled

Select 'ok' followed by 'finish' to return to the terminal console.

Required software installation for x728 hardware

  1. login via teminal window, then update & upgrade
sudo apt-get update
sudp apt-get upgrade
sudo reboot
  1. Install necessary software (python and i2c tool library)
sudo apt-get -y install python-smbus i2c-tools
  1. Download x728 setup scripts:
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/geekworm-com/x728
cd x728
chmod +x *.sh
  1. Install script&reboot:

Firstly please select your x728 version

sudo bash x728-v2.1.sh

#New add buzzer support


sudo bash x728-v2.0.sh


sudo bash x728-v1.0.sh


sudo reboot

You can get the following python file in /home/pi/ folder:

x728bat.py # Reading battery voltage
x728pld.py # Script to detect when power loss occurs, waits for 10 seconds, then sends the soft shutdown signal to the x728 and shuts down the pi.
  1. Set and Read the RTC time
#If you need to set the system time for any reason you can use the following command :  
date -s "5 MAR 2019 13:00:00"
#Write the system date and time to the RTC module after your correct the system date and time :  
sudo hwclock -w
#Read the date and time back from the RTC module:  
sudo hwclock -r
  1. How to reading battery voltage and percentage, this is the sample code, you can modify it by your request.
sudo python /home/pi/x728bat.py