
Wrapper around the Erlang crypto module for Elixir.

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT


The goal of ExCrypto and ExPublicKey is to expose a subset of the functionality from the Erlang modules crypto and public_key so that writing secure Elixir applications is a little bit easier without being overwhelming. In many functions some sane defaults are provided to decrease the complexity of implementing those functions in your own code.

Get from hex.pm: https://hex.pm/packages/ex_crypto

Checkout the docs at: https://hexdocs.pm/ex_crypto/readme.html

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Using ExPublicKey

The ExPublicKey module provides functions for working with RSA public/private key operations. There are a couple common uses for public-key cryptography:

Authenticate a message

The goal of ExPublicKey.sign and ExPublicKey.verify is that the recipient of a message can identify the sender. This can be accomplished as follows:

Note: assume the message is a JSON payload.

  • Sender
    • serialize the JSON to a string
    • hash, time-stamp, and sign with your private-key
  • Receiver
    • ensure the time-stamp is within the current window
    • verify the signature with the sender's public-key

Here are the steps in order:

# load the RSA keys from a file on disk
rsa_priv_key = ExPublicKey.load!("/path/to/private_key.pem")
rsa_pub_key = ExPublicKey.load!("/path/to/public_key.pem")

# create the message JSON
msg = %{"name_first"=>"Chuck","name_last"=>"Norris"}

# serialize the JSON
msg_serialized = Poison.encode!(msg)

# generate time-stamp
ts = DateTime.utc_now |> DateTime.to_unix

# add a time-stamp
ts_msg_serialized = "#{ts}|#{msg_serialized}"

# generate a secure hash using SHA256 and sign the message with the private key
{:ok, signature} = ExPublicKey.sign(ts_msg_serialized, rsa_priv_key)

# combine payload
payload = "#{ts}|#{msg_serialized}|#{Base.url_encode64 signature}"
IO.puts payload

# pretend transmit the message...
# pretend receive the message...

# break up the payload
parts = String.split(payload, "|")
recv_ts = Enum.fetch!(parts, 0)
recv_msg_serialized = Enum.fetch!(parts, 1)
{:ok, recv_sig} = Enum.fetch!(parts, 2) |> Base.url_decode64

# pretend ensure the time-stamp is not too old (or from the future)...
# it should probably no more than 5 minutes old, and no more than 15 minutes in the future

# verify the signature
{:ok, sig_valid} = ExPublicKey.verify("#{recv_ts}|#{recv_msg_serialized}", recv_sig, rsa_pub_key)

# un-serialize the JSON
recv_msg_unserialized = Poison.Parser.parse!(recv_msg_serialized)
assert(msg == recv_msg_unserialized)

Note: this example is similar to the test "sign and verify a JSON payload" in test/ex_public_key_test.exs.

Transmit a shared secret

(in progress)

Load the keys from PEM format files

First load the public/private RSA keys from disk:

iex(1)> {:ok, rsa_private_key} = ExPublicKey.load("/tmp/test_rsa_private_key.pem")
{:ok, %ExPublicKey.RSAPrivateKey{...}}

iex(2)> {:ok, rsa_public_key} = ExPublicKey.load("/tmp/test_rsa_public_key.pem")
{:ok, %ExPublicKey.RSAPublicKey{...}}

Sign with RSA private key

To create a signature with the RSAPrivateKey like this:

iex(3)> message = "A very important message."
"A very important message."

ex(4)> {:ok, signature} = ExPublicKey.sign(message, rsa_private_key)
{:ok, <<...>>}

Verify signature with RSA public key

iex(5)> {:ok, valid} = ExPublicKey.verify(message, signature, rsa_public_key)
{:ok, true}

Encrypt with RSA public key

iex(6)> clear_text = "A super important message"
"A super important message"
iex(7)> {:ok, cipher_text} = ExPublicKey.encrypt_public(clear_text, rsa_public_key)
{:ok, "Lmbv...HQ=="}

Decrypt with RSA private key

iex(8)> {:ok, decrypted_clear_text} = ExPublicKey.decrypt_private(cipher_text, rsa_private_key)
{:ok, "A super important message"}

Using ExCrypto

The ExCrypto module provides relatively functions for AES cryptography operations.

Generate AES keys

Generate a new 128 bit AES key like this:

iex(1)> {:ok, aes_128_key} = ExCrypto.generate_aes_key(:aes_128, :bytes)
{:ok, <<...>>}

Often it's more convenient to handle the key as a base64 encoded string and you can generate a new key, already encoded as a base64 unicode string like this:

iex(2)> {:ok, aes_128_key} = ExCrypto.generate_aes_key(:aes_128, :base64)

You can also generate 192/256 bit AES keys like this:

iex(3)> {:ok, aes_192_key} = ExCrypto.generate_aes_key(:aes_192, :base64)

iex(4)> {:ok, aes_256_key} = ExCrypto.generate_aes_key(:aes_256, :base64)

In both examples the :bytes atom can be substituted for :base64 if you wish to receive your key as a bitstring rather than as a base64 encoded unicode string.

As you can see the keys grow longer in order of bit length. A 128 bit key is more than sufficient for most applications but if you are slightly more paranoid than average use a 192 bit key.

If your paranoia knows no bounds or you are protecting state secrets from nation-state owned quantum computers use a 256 bit key.

If you are concerned about hyper-advanced aliens with quantum computers you might need a longer key. Enterprise grade keys such as this can be generated upon request in the context of a consulting agreement. For this application we recommend at least a 612 bit key.