
Juniper ScreenOS to FortiGate Configuration Converter

Primary LanguagePython

Juniper ScreenOS to FortiGate Configuration Converter

This is a Python script that converts Juniper ScreenOS firewall policies, addresses, address groups and custom ports to Fortigate firewall configuration. It takes a txt backup file of Juniper ScreenOS firewall configuration as input and generates Fortigate configuration commands in a text file.

This script supports the conversion of the following cases:

  • Firewall policies
  • Addresses (only used in policies)
  • Address groups (only used in policies)
  • Custom ports (only used in policies)


1- Parse the Original Configuration:

Before converting Juniper ScreenOS configurations to Fortigate format, you need to parse the original configuration file using parser.py. Make sure you have the original configuration file named origin_config.txt in the input directory. Run the following command:

   python parser.py

This will generate a parsed_config.json file containing the parsed configuration.

2- Convert and Write the Configuration:

Once you have the parsed JSON configuration, you can convert it to Fortigate format using builder.py. Run the following command:

python builder.py

This will generate a converted_config.txt file containing the Fortigate configuration.

Review the converted_config.txt file carefully to ensure that the conversion is accurate and meets your specific Fortigate configuration requirements.


Special thanks to Mr. Siem Hermans for their invaluable screenos-config-parser repository, which greatly assisted in parsing Juniper ScreenOS configurations to JSON format for this project.

Repository Link: screenos-config-parser