
Post your Google+ Posts to Facebook with PHP

Primary LanguagePHPApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Post your Google+ Posts to Facebook

This script runs via a cronjob to periodically check for new Google+ Posts and then posts those to Facebook. Ideally the Google+ API should have a webhook to let us know when there's a new post, but since that doesn't exist this polling method will have to do.


  • PHP 5.3+ (for namespaces)
  • Any server that can run a cronjob (Tested on CentOS 6)


  • Get the code
    • git clone https://github.com/mbarany/googleplus-to-facebook.git
    • cd googleplus-to-facebook
    • git submodule update --init
  • Go to https://developers.facebook.com/ and Create a new Facebook App
    • Click Add Platform and select website. you'll need a Site URL for authorization
    • You need your Facebook Account to authorize the App to post for you. Simply plugin the values to the following link.
    • https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth?client_id=[APP ID]&redirect_uri=[Website]&scope=publish_actions
  • Go to https://cloud.google.com/console and Create a new Project
    • Create a new OAuth client and select Service Account. This will generate a private key for you to download.
    • Put your private key in the /private directory
  • Copy /private/config.sample.php to /private/config.php and fill in appropriate values.
  • Setup the cronjob. I like to run it every minute to be speedy, but obviously you can adjust this to your liking. * * * * * mbarany /usr/bin/php -f /home/mbarany/googleplus-to-facebook/run.php >> /home/mbarany/optional_log.log

Some implementation details

  • The first time you run the script, it will cache the current date so that it only posts items that are newer than that date.
  • It uses a small file cache in the /cache directory, so make sure it's writable otherwise the script will complain.
  • Note that each time you run the script you use one of your Google API requests in your quota. I think the default quota is 10,000 requests per day, but if you use your Google Project for other things you should keep this in mind.